I have time to write tutorials, please suggest

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24 comments, last by EmptyMinion 18 years, 10 months ago
I currently have some free time in which I'd like to write some tutorials for my website, but I'd like them to be relevant to what people want to know about and/or have had trouble finding out about in the past. Topics I feel confident enough to write about include: C C++ Python OpenGL (but no really advanced features) SDL Some mathematical topics OOP, to a certain extent. I am asking for suggestions as to what to write about, within vaguely these subject areas.
c and c++
Id like a OpenGL tutorial or SDL so i ca nstart making games like pong and Textris but i dont want a tutorial that shows me how to make then just shows me stuff so i can figure them out on my own.
maths, there are never enough math ones.

2d trig etc
more specific anyone?
You don't have a tutorial of the basics of C++, what about that ?
Quote:Original post by Fenryl
You don't have a tutorial of the basics of C++, what about that ?

There's plenty of tutorials out there discussing C++. Just check out cprogramming.com for quite a few.

Perhaps what might be better is how to organize code effectively to make a game. I don't know of many/any tutorials that go into detail on this, and I know a lot of beginners have questions about this.
there are hundreds of tutorials already on the basics of c++ - it would be a waste of time.
Quote:Original post by nilkn
Perhaps what might be better is how to organize code effectively to make a game. I don't know of many/any tutorials that go into detail on this, and I know a lot of beginners have questions about this.

That's quite a good idea, I'll add it to my list of possibles.

<sarcasm>I want a tutorial on how to make a 1337 MMORPG! WOOT!</sarcasm>
No, seriously I agree with nilkn, that would be a handy tutorial.

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