[web] flash listbox problem

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0 comments, last by GameDev.net 18 years, 7 months ago
I am trying to get the selectIndex of the listbox but it always come up undefined. Heres what I have. I have two list boxs on the left, and a button that moves the list box contents to the one on the right. I am trying to get the selected index of the first one because thats the option to move all the items over. Also its not returning the length of the list box. I have a function in the frame declaration that I call when the button is released. By the way I have only used flash for a couple of weeks. Thanks for the help.
If you insist on saying "DUH", try to make a post that makes a little more sense
I have the same problem, but have been using FLash for years, so dont worry!

I am trying to delete items from a listbox component, although my listbox is a special PPC component for exporting flash to PDA's. Here is the code for my delete button

//----delete button
delete_Listener = new Object();
delete_Listener.click = function ()
delete_item = item_list.selectedIndex
btn_delete.addEventListener("click", delete_Listener);

delete_item is always undefined, so "item_list.selectedIndex" is obviously not doing what it is supposed to.
Can anyone help?

-David Ball

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