awsome nvidia demo

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14 comments, last by JavaCoolDude 18 years, 8 months ago
Anybody else seen this yet? Its a pretty simple demo, but at least nvidia released all the source code for it. Perhaps now this will stop many of the posts concerning grass rendering, water reflections, and terrain rendering.
Author Freeworld3D
Quote:Original post by oconnellseanm
Anybody else seen this yet?
Yep [grin]
"C lets you shoot yourself in the foot rather easily. C++ allows you to reuse the bullet!"
That is sweet! Maybe in a few years I'll be able to make something half as nice as that. The GUI looks familar, like someone's who uses these forums?
Reject the basic asumption of civialisation especially the importance of material possessions
Quote:Original post by oconnellseanm
Anybody else seen this yet?

DEJA VU [attention]
Quote:Original post by Cacks
That is sweet! Maybe in a few years I'll be able to make something half as nice as that. The GUI looks familar, like someone's who uses these forums?
Follow my link to the first post about it and you'll find out which user that is!
Quote:Original post by oconnellseanm
Its a pretty simple demo, but at least nvidia released all the source code for it. Perhaps now this will stop many of the posts concerning grass rendering, water reflections, and terrain rendering.

Quote:Original post by Kalidor
Follow my link to the first post about it and you'll find out which user that is!

Obviously he is a lead programmer at NVIDIA!
Everyone with a minimum interest in the shading languages surf on that site so I cannot believe this is not an original work.
<--- The author of that demo [wink]
LOL, I knew I seen that GUI before! Its very nice!
Reject the basic asumption of civialisation especially the importance of material possessions

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