std::map is driving me insane!

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30 comments, last by swinchen 18 years, 8 months ago
boy, I feel the stupid kid in class.
Quote:Original post by Zahlman
struct CTextureHandle {  CTexture* ptr;  // Look up std::auto_ptr implementation to see how to make operator*,  // operator-> etc. work right for your class so that you don't have to  // go through the ptr member explicitly. Unfortunately std::auto_ptr  // itself doesn't do exactly what you want for the rest of the class...  CTextureHandle(args) : ptr(new CTexture(args)) {}  ~CTextureHandle() {    cleanup();  }  // Since dtor is needed, copy ctor and assignment op are too.  // I'll assume an appropriate CTexture copy ctor exists:  CTextureHandle(const CTextureHandle& other) : ptr(new CTexture(*(other.ptr))) {}  CTextureHandle& operator= (const CTextureHandle& rhs) {    cleanup();    ptr = new CTexture(*(other.ptr));  }  private:  void cleanup() {    glDeleteTextures(1,&(ptr->texID));    // actually should move that part to the CTexture dtor    delete ptr; // nulling post-delete is useless here :)  }}// Now use CTextureHandle instead of CTexture* in your map, and then:CTextureMgr::~CTextureMgr(){  // Nothing is needed; ~m_textures will be invoked automatically, which  // will destruct all the t_texturePairs that are stored, which in turn  // calls ~CTextureHandle() for each of those things in the map.}

Ok, I looked at this a little more closely and it makes sense now. Is this an example of PIMPL?

This seems like a pretty good way to handle my problem. It also seems a lot more straight forward than smart pointers.

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