Another Windows problem

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15 comments, last by Oluseyi 18 years, 8 months ago
No it isn't.
Dam book uses it without declaring anything??
Quote:Original post by thugkilla
But This function is a function included in the windows header.

From this article it seems that it isn't.

// FUNCTION: MyRegisterClass()
// PURPOSE: Registers the window class.
// This function and its use is only necessary if you want
// this code to be compatible with Win32 systems prior to the
// 'RegisterClassEx' function that was added to Windows 95. It is
// important to call this function so that the application will
// get 'well formed' small icons associated with it.

EDIT: But as proven before, I'm not quite sure myself. But that article may help you. If nothing else it defines MyRegisterClass for you.
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- the fear of big words
I didn't read it all ,but from the register part ,basically the register part makes the window?and gives it its properties.

The most valuable skill you will ever learn as a programmer is how to learn. We could just "give" you the answer, but you wouldn't have learned anywhere near as much: in the process of learning the solution to one problem, one frequently learns many more interesting and useful things. What's happening here is that people are nudging you toward that exploratory approach so that you can develop the fundamental curiousity and instinctual research that leads to great programming.

Documentation is your friend. Microsoft Windows is a large and complex system, but Microsoft has provided extensive documentation of [most of] its functionality and APIs. You, however, need to read carefully and research the unfamiliar. You know that feeling of frustration you have right now because it seems you're not making progress? It's the first stage; the second is the incredible elation you get from solving the problem and getting your application to compile, then to build, then to run, then to run correctly. And, yes, each of those steps entails a certain amount of learning: learn the language and programming environment, understand the compiler output and errors in particular, learn the linker output and errors, familiarize yourself with the debugger in order to verify logic.

It's a long process. It takes time. But when it's done, you'll have learned so much and will be so far ahead of other beginners precisely because you took the time to lay a strong foundation for yourself.

Good luck, and happy hacking!
thanks guys it seams my author ***cough** **cough** Jonathon S harbour did not tell me about this and was waiting to explain it to me next chapter......

p.s. Well said Oluseyi.Truer words couldn't be spoken.
Glad you agree. Keep at it. Software development is challenging (in my honest opinion, too challenging, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms), but exteremly rewarding.

Happy hacking!

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