DirectX in Win32 Control

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2 comments, last by outRider 18 years, 8 months ago
Hi! How can I include a window containing DirectX into a Win32 dialog box? That means the dialog box should include one area with a DirectX window among other common Windows controls like buttons & text boxes. Are there any tutorials/links showing how to do that or could you please give me a quick example how this is done? Thanks & greetings, Nico.
Hi there nico26,
How are you doing?

The Problem
Rendering DirectX into a win32 control.

The Solution
As long as you can create the device and pass it a valid handle to a control you can render to the control. You will have to check specifics though. I have rendered to panels and such but never to a dialog box but it's definitely doable.
Quote:I have rendered to panels and such but never to a dialog box but it's definitely doable.

It would also be fine to know how to render to panels. Do you have specific info on how to include DX to panels?

Cheers, Nico.
Pass the HWND of the control to D3D's CreateDevice() just like you pass the HWND of a window.

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