Feedback on game graphics and website for 1000 Crystals of Altaxia

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3 comments, last by spookycat 18 years, 7 months ago
1000 Crystals of Altaxia is a game of space exploration and old style arcade action. There is 192 Galaxies to explore with 192 sectors each so the game is huge. Each red sector is one of 3 arcade games like Galaxian type game, Brake out type game and a labyrinth race. There is more information is on the web site. I would very much appreciate feedback on game graphics. And what do you think about the concept of the game. I am approaching beta test stage but there is no downloadable version yet(sorry). [Edited by - Mark_Tempe on September 24, 2005 4:42:25 PM]
I like the concept you are running with. The graphics are good. Some of them could use a little polish. For instance, if you added some shading to ufo's they wouldn't look as sterile. Overall, great work.
"A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read." ~Mark Twain
Get a spell checker, there are at least 20 spelling mistakes on the first screen alone.
You are right about the spelling. I uploaded wrong version of the web site (before the spell check).Thanks for caching that. Thanks also for comment from IronGryphon, it's the sort of input I was looking for.
The blue text on the first screenshot is next to unreadable.

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