game designer salary

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5 comments, last by 18 years, 7 months ago
Hi, I work as a developer (and have some experience), but i'm close to getting my first game designer position at some other company (i passed their tests). If the interview goes right and they want me, i wouldn't know how much to ask for. Can someone please tell me what are the entry-level wages for a game designer, compared to a junior/senior developer ? Thanks
What country?

What do you mean by "developer"? Programmer?
Yes - programmer, of course.
I don't care for salaries in a specific contry - that's why I'm asking for a comparison. But ok, if you want, what does a US junior game designer get compared to a US junior developer (programmer) ?

According to last months Game Developer : Fall 2005 career guide the average salary for a game programmer with <3 years experience is 54,300 in the US based on 2,000 samples.

what would a software engineer receive as a salary working for a game company?
At my company a 3rd level Designer gets paid a little less than an intro level programmer. In other words a junior programmer gets paid more than a designer that has been promoted 3 times. You take a huge pay cut moving from programming to design.

I believe that a junior designer gets around 1/2 - 2/3 the salary of a junior programmer.

The actual dollar values of the jobs vary hugely depending on what state/city you are talking about. For instance junior programmer in Los Angeles gets about $70,000 per year while a junior programmer in Tenessee gets around $40,000. But it's about that much more expensive to live in Los Angeles so the salaries are effectively the same. (i.e. after rent and taxes you end up with the same amount of extra "spending" money)

Palidine : thanks - that's what i wanted to know. i'll try to get the job anyway :P

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