always hopefull

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7 comments, last by Drew_Benton 18 years, 7 months ago
I think the proper links have been made to the needed files. I can compile the examples are run them just fine. I again tried copying the example from chapter 2 word for word and file for file, and I get this error as well. ....Perhaps my gl.h include file is old? Actually it can't be, because the examples compile fine. I am using the WinMain from the book, "Beginning OpenGL Programming" and I will add it at the end here as well. To be specific to only difference is the class name that I use instead of what the book uses. I have killed too many hours comparing and trying to figure this out, I know what the errors mean but not why they are happening. Feels like I have just started programming, but I have been going it for years. I'm using ms visual c++ 6.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NaturalResponse.cpp c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\gl\gl.h(1152) : error C2144: syntax error : missing ';' before type 'void' c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\gl\gl.h(1152) : error C2501: 'WINGDIAPI' : missing storage-class or type specifiers c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\gl\gl.h(1152) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found Error executing cl.exe. NaturalResponse.obj - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s) /* WIN_specular_fog */ #define GL_FOG_SPECULAR_TEXTURE_WIN 0x80EC /* For compatibility with OpenGL v1.0 */ #define GL_LOGIC_OP GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP #define GL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT /*************************************************************/ //Error happens here. /*************************************************************/ WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glAccum (GLenum op, GLfloat value); WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glAlphaFunc (GLenum func, GLclampf ref); WINGDIAPI GLboolean APIENTRY glAreTexturesResident (GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, GLboolean *residences); WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glArrayElement (GLint i); WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glBegin (GLenum mode); WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glBindTexture (GLenum target, GLuint texture); WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glBitmap (GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, const GLubyte *bitmap); WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glBlendFunc (GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor); WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glCallList (GLuint list); WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glCallLists (GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists); WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glClear (GLbitfield mask); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_EXTRA_LEAN #include <windows.h> #include <gl/gl.h> #include <gl/glu.h> #include "NaturalResponse.h" bool exiting = false; long windowWidth = 800; long windowHeight = 600; long windowBits = 32; bool fullscreen = true; HDC hDC; NaturalResponse *g_glRender = NULL; void SetupPixelFormat(HDC hDC) { int pixelFormat; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = { sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), // size 1, // version . . . . . } LRESULT CALLBACK MainWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static HDC hDC; static HGLRC hRC; int height, width; // dispatch messages switch (uMsg) { case WM_CREATE: // window creation hDC = GetDC(hWnd); . . . . } int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) { WNDCLASSEX windowClass; // window class HWND hwnd; // window handle MSG msg; // message DWORD dwExstyle; // Window Extended style DWORD dwstyle; // Window style RECT windowRect; g_glRender = new NaturalResponse; . . . . }
Maybe #include<windows.h> before gl.h would help.
It looks like WINGDIAPI isn't found you'll probably need to move:
WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glAccum (GLenum op, GLfloat value);WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glAlphaFunc (GLenum func, GLclampf ref);WINGDIAPI GLboolean APIENTRY glAreTexturesResident (GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, GLboolean *residences);WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glArrayElement (GLint i);WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glBegin (GLenum mode);WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glBindTexture (GLenum target, GLuint texture);WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glBitmap (GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, const GLubyte *bitmap);WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glBlendFunc (GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor);WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glCallList (GLuint list);WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glCallLists (GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists);WINGDIAPI void APIENTRY glClear (GLbitfield mask);


#include <windows.h>#include <gl/gl.h>#include <gl/glu.h>
Don't the files that call gl.h already have
#include <windows>?
just do it, and you'll be fine :)
I'll give it a try, but it doesn't explain why other examples structured the same way work without this error. I don't mean to sound defeated, but it is starting to feel that way.
I dont know how the other examples look like. I just know that, on win, you have to include <windows.h> before <gl.h>. You're on windoze, so you're using a win implementation of opengl, so you need to include <windows.h>...or something :)
#include <windows.h> is in there.
1st try taking out the:

Second, open up your "NaturalResponse.h" file and check to make sure that if you included OpenGL there that Windows comes before it.

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