TSM freakout

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9 comments, last by GameDev.net 18 years, 5 months ago
Hello, I've tried to implement TSM shadows really hard for a long time. I've read all the papers and tutorials on the net about the subject (not much). Nvidia has a nice demo with source, but it's all in direct3d and the code really gives me a headache. My question: does somebody now a tutorial or explanation on how to do TSM shadow mapping in OpenGL? Maybe someone can send me there code (I've read on the forums here that some people have done it with succes) I'd really appreciate your help, Thanx in advance, Jeroen
Have you already looked at the TSM recipe page http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~tants/tsm/TSM_recipe.html?

It contains some source code in OpenGL for TSM.

yes, I had already looked at it. It contains source to compute the trapezoidal transformation. (the easier bit)
I'm having problems with the steps before the transformation. The problem is the following: I've computed my 8 points of the eye-frustum, but I need to transform those points into the post-perspective space of the light and scale them to the unit cube in opengl. I thought you one could do it with gluLookAt() and glOrtho(), but frankly, I have no idea on how to do it exactly in opengl.
When I look at the sourcecode in direct3D on the nvidia SDK, I understand every bit they're doing, but I can't reproduce it in opengl.

Can someone help me with this?
How do they do it in the D3D sample ? They're probably using D3DX ?

Frankly, I wouldn't use builtin OpenGL functions to accomplish this. Just do the matrix math manually, either with a homebrew matrix library, or one of the gazillion third party ones floating around the net.
1st problem: they first calculate a lightspace basis by using: D3DXVec3TransformNormal(), and some other functions like Cross() etc...
What does D3DXVec3TransformNormal() exactly do? Does it transform the vector just by a rotation matrix or by a normal matrix? (normal matrix is the transpose of the inverse of the modelview matrix)

2nd problem: is D3DXVec3TransformCoordArray() the same as multiplying your vector with a rotation matrix?

3rd problem: do I have to calculate the scene's bounding box and transform all of the vertices of my world into eye-space to get all shadow casters (my world) in front of the near plane? That couldn't be true, right? (well... they do it in the sample, while they explicitly state in the TSM paper that NO scene analysis is required in order for TSM to work properly.

4th problem: they use D3DXMatrixOrhtoOffCenterLH() to produce a ortho projection matrix. Can I use glOrtho() to do this in opengl or do I have to calculate that matrix manually and transform the points like in problem 2?

I've been scrathing my head all day,
The rest of the code is cristal clear...

1) It simply assumes you're transforming a normal. So you won't get the translation information of your matrix (it multiplies (x, y, z, 0) with your matrix, instead of (x, y, z, 1) in the case of D3DXVec3TransformCoord())

2) D3DXVec3TransformCoordArray() multiply each element of the array by the givent matrix. It's exactly the same as :

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&output, &input, &matrix);

3 & 4, I don't know, sorry ^^
Look, the main problem I'm having is that all these D3DX functions use the direct3d VIEW matrix, but in OpenGL, you have a MODELVIEW matrix.
Hi, Godmodder, can I know where you got the demo of nVidia? Thanks a lot!
It's in the NVSDK and it's called "Perspective shadow maps".

First of all the nVidia demo in on PSM and not TSM. This is an other technique.

Here is the code i used to get it working, but i couldn't find a demo using it. I hope it works (i don't remeber how exactly, but i remember that it had worked)!

void CalcEyeFrustumInObjSpace(GEVector3D* p, GECamera* cam){        float t = cam->GetZNear() * tan(geDegToRad(cam->GetFOV()) * 0.5f);	float b = -t;	float r = cam->GetAspect() * t;	float l = -r;	float n = cam->GetZNear();	float f = cam->GetZFar();	float fn = f / n;	float lFar = fn * l;	float rFar = fn * r;	float bFar = fn * b;	float tFar = fn * t;	p[0].Set(l, b, -n);	p[1].Set(r, b, -n);	p[2].Set(r, t, -n);	p[3].Set(l, t, -n);	p[4].Set(lFar, bFar, -f);	p[5].Set(rFar, bFar, -f);	p[6].Set(rFar, tFar, -f);	p[7].Set(lFar, tFar, -f);}void CalcEyeFrustumInL(GEVector3D* eyeFr, GEVector3D* eyeFrInL, GECamera* eye){	GEMatrix4x4 lookAt, proj, eyeProj, camLookAt_inv;	camLookAt_inv.LookAt(eye->Origin, eye->Dir, eye->UpVector); 	camLookAt_inv.Invert(camLookAt_inv);	Light->LightView.LookAt(Light->GetCamera()->Origin, Light->GetCamera()->Dir, Light->GetCamera()->UpVector);	Light->LightProj.Perspective(Light->GetCamera()->GetFOV(), 1.0f, Light->GetCamera()->GetZNear(), Light->GetCamera()->GetZFar());	eyeProj.Multiply(Light->LightProj, Light->LightView);	eyeProj.Multiply(eyeProj, camLookAt_inv);	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// eyeFrustumInLightSpace = P_L * C_L * C_E^-1 * eyeFrustumInObjSpace	//	// Chapter 3, last par. : The eight corner vertices of E are obtained from 	// those corner vertices of the eye's frustum in the object space multiplied 	// by PL .CL .CE^-1 where CE^-1 is the inverse camera matrix of the eye. We treat 	// E as a flattened 2D object on the front face of the light's unit cube.	//	IsEyeFrustumInLightFrustum = true;	for(int i=0;i<8;i++)	{		eyeProj.TransformHomogenPoint(eyeFr, eyeFrInL);		eyeFrInL.z = 1.0f;		if(fabsf(eyeFrInL.x) > 1.0f || fabsf(eyeFrInL.y) > 1.0f)			IsEyeFrustumInLightFrustum = false;	}	RenderFrustum(eyeFrInL); 	glBegin(GL_POINTS);	glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);	for(i=0;i<4;i++) 		glVertex3fv(&eyeFrInL.x);	glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);	for(i=4;i<8;i++) 		glVertex3fv(&eyeFrInL.x); 	glEnd();}void CalcCenterLine(GEVector3D* eyeFrInL, GEVector3D* l){	GEVector3D v1 = eyeFrInL[1] - eyeFrInL[0];	GEVector3D v2 = eyeFrInL[2] - eyeFrInL[3];	v1 = eyeFrInL[0] + v1 * 0.5f;	v2 = eyeFrInL[3] + v2 * 0.5f;		l[0] = v1 + (v2 - v1) * 0.5f;	v1 = eyeFrInL[5] - eyeFrInL[4];	v2 = eyeFrInL[6] - eyeFrInL[7];	v1 = eyeFrInL[4] + v1 * 0.5f;	v2 = eyeFrInL[7] + v2 * 0.5f;	l[1] = v1 + (v2 - v1) * 0.5f;	glBegin(GL_LINES);	glVertex3fv(&l[0].x);	glVertex3fv(&l[1].x);	glEnd();}void CalcTrapezoid(GEVector3D* hull, int numHullPoints, GEVector3D* line, GEVector3D* trapezoid){	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// We need an axis orthogonal to center line.	// Because all the points of the hull are on the z = 1.0f plane, we can take	// the cross product of the center line direction with the z axis vector	// as the perpendicular axis.	//	// FIX : What happens if line[1] = line[0]??? Center line has zero length, 	// and we can't find a valid perpendicular axis! This may happen when we	// are near the dualling frusta case.	//	GEVector3D perpAxis = line[1] - line[0];	perpAxis.Normalize();	if(perpAxis.Length() < 1e-5f)		return;	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// This is because we always want the perpAxis to point to +x world axis.	// The normal way to do it is to change the vectors in the cross product, 	// but this makes things "symmetrical"!!!	//	if(perpAxis.x < 0.0f)		perpAxis = perpAxis | GEVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);	else		perpAxis = perpAxis | GEVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// If we transform all the points of the hull, so that the above calculated	// perpendicular axis is the x - axis, and the center line is the y - axis,	// we can calculate an axis-aligned bounding box of hull's points. With this	// aabb we can calculate how much we must travel along the center line in case to	// draw the top and the base lines that encloses the whole convex hull.	// We also translate the the hull so the center line starts at (0,0,0). 	//	GEMatrix4x4 rotz, trans;	rotz.MakeRotationMatrix('z', geRadToDeg(-acos(perpAxis.x)));	trans.MakeTranslationMatrix(-line[0].x, -line[0].y, -line[0].z);	rotz.Multiply(rotz, trans);		GEVector3D minv(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f), maxv(-2.0f, -2.0f, 1.0f);	GEVector3D transHull[6];	for(int i=0;i<numHullPoints;i++)	{		rotz.TransformPoint(hull, transHull);		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////		// We check only y component, because z is always 1.0f, and we are interested,		// in the y-direction only. This is, we only want the top and the bottom of the		// aabbox.		//		if(transHull.y > maxv.y)		maxv.y = transHull.y;		if(transHull.y < minv.y)		minv.y = transHull.y;	}		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// We do this (the min/max thing for top_y and base_y) because, we always want to	// have the top line touch the near plane, and the base line touch the far plane.	//	float topy = min(fabs(minv.y), fabs(maxv.y));	float basey = max(fabs(minv.y), fabs(maxv.y));	GEVector3D clineDir = line[1] - line[0];	float cLineLen = clineDir.Length();	clineDir.Normalize();	GEVector3D topLine[2];	GEVector3D baseLine[2];	GEVector3D temp;	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// We move along the center line, starting from the point on the near plane,	// by a distance of -miny to reach the outer point of the hull. Then with the	// perpendicular axis, we form the top line.	//	temp = line[0] - clineDir * topy;	topLine[0] = temp + perpAxis;	topLine[1] = temp - perpAxis;	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// The same as above, but now we must move +maxy to reach the cross point of 	// the center line and the base line.	//	temp = line[0] + clineDir * basey;	baseLine[0] = temp + perpAxis;	baseLine[1] = temp - perpAxis;	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// Calculate distance of point q from the top line ('&#951;' in the paper)	// Chapter 6.2.	//	float lineFactor = 0.8f;				// 80% line	float ksi = 1.0f - 2.0f * lineFactor;	// &#958; in the paper	float lamda = cLineLen + fabs(basey) + fabs(topy);	// distance between the top and the base line	float delta = 1.0f - ksi;// + topy;	float n = (lamda * delta + lamda * delta * ksi) / (-lamda - 2.0f * delta - lamda * ksi);		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// Calculate q	//	temp = line[0] - clineDir * topy;	// temp is the cross between center line and top line.	GEVector3D q = temp + clineDir * n;	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// Find the two points of the hull which combined with q give us the side 	// edges of the trapezoid. These points, must be points of the hull.	//	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// For every point on the hull, form a line from q to the point. We know that	// all points lie on z = +1 plane. So, from this line, we form a plane, and we 	// check every other point on the hull against it. In case to have a winner, 	// all other points must lie on the same side of the plane.	//	int index[2] = {-1, -1};	int curIndex = 0;	for(i=0;i<numHullPoints;i++)	{		GEPlane plane(hull, (q - hull) | GEVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));				int numPos = 0, numNeg = 0;		for(int j=0;j<numHullPoints;j++)		{			if(i == j)				continue;			float dist = plane.ClassifyPointf(hull[j]);			if(dist >= 0.0f)				numPos++;			else				numNeg++;		}		if((numPos > 0 && numNeg == 0) || (numPos == 0 && numNeg > 0))		{			index[curIndex++] = i;			if(curIndex > 2)				break;		}	}	if(curIndex != 2)		MessageBox(NULL, "Severe Error : Couldn't find to extreme point for calculating the trapezoid.", "ERROR", MB_OK);	GEVector3D pMin, pMax;	if(transHull[index[0]].x > transHull[index[1]].x)	{		pMax = hull[index[0]];		pMin = hull[index[1]];	}	else	{		pMax = hull[index[1]];		pMin = hull[index[0]];	}		geIntersectLines2D(trapezoid[0], baseLine[0], baseLine[1], q, pMin);	geIntersectLines2D(trapezoid[1], baseLine[0], baseLine[1], q, pMax);	geIntersectLines2D(trapezoid[2], topLine[0], topLine[1], q, pMax);	geIntersectLines2D(trapezoid[3], topLine[0], topLine[1], q, pMin);	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// Check trapezoid points order.	// 	GEVector3D dir1 = trapezoid[1] - trapezoid[0];	GEVector3D dir2 = trapezoid[2] - trapezoid[0];	dir1.Normalize();	dir2.Normalize();	dir1 = dir1 | dir2;	dir1.Normalize();	if(!(dir1 == GEVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)))	{		dir1 = trapezoid[0];		trapezoid[0] = trapezoid[1];		trapezoid[1] = dir1;		dir1 = trapezoid[3];		trapezoid[3] = trapezoid[2];		trapezoid[2] = dir1;	}	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// Debug visualization	//	glLineWidth(3.0f);	glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);	glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);	glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);	glVertex3fv(&trapezoid[0].x);	glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);	glVertex3fv(&trapezoid[1].x);	glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);	glVertex3fv(&trapezoid[2].x);	glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);	glVertex3fv(&trapezoid[3].x);	glEnd();	glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);	glLineWidth(1.0f);	glBegin(GL_LINES);	glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);	glVertex3fv(&topLine[0].x);	glVertex3fv(&topLine[1].x);	glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);	glVertex3fv(&baseLine[0].x);	glVertex3fv(&baseLine[1].x);	glEnd();	glPointSize(3.0f);	glColor3f(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f);	glBegin(GL_POINTS);	glVertex3fv(&q.x);	glEnd();	glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);	glPointSize(1.0f);}

And the function order is :

GEVector3D eyeFrustum [8];GEVector3D eyeFrustumInL [8];GEVector3D line [2];GEVector3D hull [6];GEVector3D trapezoid [4];GEMatrix4x4* GELight::N_T;CalcEyeFrustumInObjSpace(&eyeFrustum[0], Camera);CalcEyeFrustumInL(&eyeFrustum[0], &eyeFrustumInL[0], Camera);CalcCenterLine(&eyeFrustumInL[0], &line[0]);numHullPoints = CalcConvexHull2D(&eyeFrustumInL[0], &hull[0]);RenderConvexHull(&hull[0], numHullPoints);CalcTrapezoid(&hull[0], numHullPoints, &line[0], &trapezoid[0]);CalcN_T(&trapezoid[0], &Light->N_T, &eyeFrustum[0]);

I think the code is clear enough for you to understand what's going on. If there is any problem with the naming of variables, or something doesn't look right say it.


PS. CalcConvexHull2D() is in Graphic Programming Gems. I couldn't find it in my code, so this isn't included.

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