My site and forums -- includes a gm game archive

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3 comments, last by Sneftel 18 years, 5 months ago
I know you guys appear to be enemies of the gmg, and I don't blame you guys for spamming them - they didn't forgive you when you apolagized. But the gmg's days are over, as Bianca Games Game Maker Archive is in action! All I need now is for Pug Fugly to submit his games, tapeworm to submit Seiklus, and for Damaged to submit his Hard Hat games, plus many other games (I just created the site, all it's game's are mine and my friend's ), and it will make the gmg go out of business. also visit my forums at . and my homepage is .
This may seem an odd question considering the apparent "enemy" status, but who or what are/is "gmg", and since when do we (I can only assume you mean a presumably small group of the GDNet userbase???) spam anyone?

- Jason Astle-Adams

It seems that gmg is a gaming forum,
I've investigated this a bit due to Pookasnooks' other post, and it seems the confusion results from a poster with the nick "GameDev" causing trouble over at those boards.
Ah, I see. Well, let me just say that some random poster who chooses to call himself "gamedev" on another forum has absolutely no known affiliation with

- Jason Astle-Adams

Yarrr! All who are associated with the GMG must be slaughtered like animals!!! [grin]

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