contracting for art and sound

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4 comments, last by abstractimmersion 18 years, 5 months ago
I'm early in the design process, but I want to determine how feasible my business plan is. Basically, I want some ballpark estimates for how much it would take to get A-quality (not whiz-bang high-end AAA, but broadly marketable) graphics, music, and SFX for a isometric tactical RPG. I'm currently thinking of something like Final Fantasy Tactics, 2d sprites on a 3d landscape. If you haven't played that, think of an updated X-Com or Fallout done in that manner, 2d on 3d. (3d to allow for rotation, viewing from the 4 corners) The plan currently is to try and get all design (including level design) and programming done by (a small # of) people willing to work for a % of royalties. I'm guessing that quality artists, sound engineers, and composers probably won't do the work for a percentage, so simple placeholders would be present for Graphics, SFX, and music. This would allow for playtesting while the art and sound was being contracted and created. Say the number of character sprites would be around 100. The maps, say 250 of them, would range from 20x20 to 200x200 (square tiles), with all plot advancement occurring within the maps or in menu-based dialog (ie, no CGI movies). Plus items, character portraits, and menu/font design. So, any ballpark estimates for: Graphics? Music? SFX? (I realize I probably would have to break up 2d and 3d graphics, and may be able to combine sound and music)
Well, our game development studio is based in Bangladesh, so it will probably be less than countries like UK and USA. It took us $3500 to get everything done.

I have noticed that for art, I tend to run between $125 and $200 per sprite (and that should be considered a little on the cheap end)
Quote:Original post by PaulCesar
I have noticed that for art, I tend to run between $125 and $200 per sprite (and that should be considered a little on the cheap end)

With animation?

Yea, 32x32 and 42x42 sprites though, you dont get the super professionals with it, but you can pick up some solidly skilled GA graduates.
Hmm. Maybe I'll contract in low resolution and then use some kind of graphic filter over it, like one sees in console emulation.

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