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2 comments, last by Dragoncar 18 years, 5 months ago
Hey guys, I am using OpenGL to make my game "Polar Penguin", and i would like to add sound. I am aware of the fact that OpenGL is for rendering - not sound or collision or some such thing. But, obviously there is still a way, right? If anyone knows how, or knows of a good tutorial showing how, i would greatly appreciate their help :) Thanks :D Mike
You'll have to use an additional library/API. Some examples include FMOD or SDL. If your program is for Windows you can use DirectSound or even the Windows Multimedia API.
I'd use a third party library like SDL (SDL_mixer is available if you go that route, it's much better) or FMOD, as was said before.
Another api you could use is OpenAl which I've heard go things about and seen quite a few times used in conjunction with openGl.

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