Understanding structs

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35 comments, last by yayo_99 18 years, 5 months ago
thank you so much!!!
For 'code' tags, 'code' needs to be in lowercase.

#include<cstdio>#include<cstdlib>#include<conio.h>using namespace std;

This is not valid C so far. It is C++ code.

void main() {

This is not legal in C++. It is permissible in C, but this is considered by some to be an oversight of the C standardization process that later had to be explicitly allowed for.

     struct tm time;

Here 'struct' is required in C, but not required (and I *thought* not allowed, but now that I think about it I suppose it should be allowed) in C++.

     time.horas=11;     time.minutos=20;     time.segundos=10;

Of course the member names need to match no matter which language is being used. :) Of course I understand you are trying to translate the original (and your own writing, yes?) from Spanish (? or some other similar language?). Just a reminder that gcc will not understand it :)

Oh, and 'system("PAUSE")' is a bad idea for a few reasons, although I'd prefer not to get into that now.

so here she (instructor) makes a struct with hours, minutes and secs, then on main she change the name of the structure tm to time, then gives numbers to each variable of the struct by the new name "time", then she goes print(&time) ... i lak on that, passing variables?... ok then print the time, then finish. Am I right?

As the other poster described, 'tm' is not itself a "thing", but a name of a structure (hence struct) that "things" could have. struct tm is to time as blueprints are to a house.

'&time' (in either language) yields the address (location in memory) of that struct 'instance' ("thing"). That is a value of type "pointer to struct tm", which is the type that the print() function accepts. Because the struct is passed by pointer, when the function looks up data at (or near) that address, it will be working with the same instance - and changes will be "seen" in the calling function (main() here). If you instead pass by value, the struct gets copied, and the function will work on the copy.

Anyway, in addition to the problems cited above, the code your instructor has given you has some definite style problems. Here is a cleaned-up version in C++:

#include <iostream>using namespace std;struct tm {  int hours, min, sec;};// This is a badly named function that does a strange thing,// but I will keep its behaviour...// In C++, we can get the same behaviour that passing a pointer does,// while keeping the normal syntax, by passing by reference:void print(tm& t) {  cout << t.hours << ":" << t.min << ":" << t.sec << endl;  t.hours=12;  t.min=25;  t.sec=15;}int main() {  tm time;  time.hours=11;  time.min=20;  time.sec=10;  print(time);  cout << t.hours << ":" << t.min << ":" << t.sec << endl;  // As a special case, we don't have to write a 'return' statement in  // main() in C++ even though we declared an 'int' return type.}

I could change it further (towards the way things are normally really done in C++), but the lessons presented then would overwhelm the original intended one :)

In C, we would instead likely write:

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>typedef struct tm_s {  int hours, min, sec;} tm;/* The "typedef struct idiom" is used here so that we can avoid writing   "struct" all over the rest of the code. */void print(tm *t) {  printf("%i:%i:%i\n", t->hours, t->min, t->sec);  t->hours=12;  t->min=25;  t->sec=15;}void main() {  tm time;  time.hours=11;  time.min=20;  time.sec=10;  print(&time);  printf("%i:%i:%i\n", time.hours, time.min, time.sec);}
Oh great thank you so much, i will study it through, thank you again
Now I want to use char[] inside the struct, it makes a string in the programming right??
thank you!!
people use it as a string. its up to you how you want to use it but yes it can be used as one... if your having an exam soon, have you been skipping class or something?
yeah well, i went into surgery and bed for 3 weeks because i broke my leg, but I have all writen down, my problem is that I didn't understand her very well, and asking here makes me understand better

I have my exam tomorrow and she said we can take all the books, pdf we want to the exam, i am sooo scared :(.

I want to know how to use char inside the struct because that's the way she programs.

thx guys
What do you mean use the char in the struct? You mean like, declare it in the struct? Same as any other variable:

struct blah
char myString[5];

EDIT: It would be better if you used a pointer but I dunno if you got to that yet
EDIT2: What do you mean, "I want to know how to use char inside the struct because that's the way she programs."
Thats the way she programs? You mean as in like...her coding style? O.o I dont get what your saying...its not how she programs, its just what she had to use im guessing?
I'm sorry, if I didn't understand your question, because I am kinda sad about something, but in C, that would be considered a string. Like...

struct foo{     char name[25]};

That makes it really a 24 character string. Why? Because when it counts, it starts at 0.

Again, I am sorry if I am wrong about this, as I am not a C Guru, and I am feeling sad about something(personal issues), so I am not my self at all today.

You are wrong I believe, it makes a 25 character long string. 0-24
yeah i have this code from my teacher:


struct alumn {
long no_acc;
char name[100];
int age;

void capture(struct alumn *a) {
cout<<"Input name: ";
cout<<"Input account #";
cout<<"Input age";

void print(struct alumn *a) {
cout<<"Name: "<<a->name<<endl;
cout<<"Account #: "<<a->no_acc<<endl;
cout<<"Age: "<<a->age<<endl;

void main() {
struct alumn yayo;



So basicly she makes here a struct alumn with the name as char, number of account as long and age as int, then on main she gives the name yayo to alumn, and sends that to capture, but with capture(struct alumn *a) (I still doesn't understand that, it shouldn't be just &yayo?)then asigns a name to a->name (is this dinamic assignations or something? ) and to all of them back to main where it says print(&yayo) and goes to print and prints what is stored on a->***.

Am i right?

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