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12 comments, last by Spoonbender 18 years, 5 months ago
1. the D3DUSAGE flag is DWORD type and D3DPOOL is enumerated type. So what is different between them? it seem to do the same job. it could be replaced by each other? 2. OMG I forgot it. :->)
D3DPOOL is used to tell the driver where the data should be be stored.
D3DUSAGE is used the driver how the data is intended to be used.
Usage is about the intended use for the resource. It depends on the type of resource. IE. A texture can be used as a source of information (colors, normals, UV). But it also can be used as a rendertarget (D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET) or even a secondary zbuffer (D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL). A vertex buffer can be used for a mesh, but it also can be used as a point storage for particle systems (D3DUSAGE_POINTS). THere are other usages in the D3DUSAGE list (check manual).

Pool is the memory location of the resource and how you will manage it. Usually you will have the resource (be it a texture or a VB/IB) located in video memory (POOL_DEFAULT) but you can allow the API to manage it (POOL_MANAGED). That means the API will keep a copy of the resource in system memory so it can quicly restore the memory. But sometimes the usage forces you to manage the resources by yourself, or maybe you consider that locating the resource in system memory is useful (D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM) read a little about this in the manuals.

How about you read the documentation to figure out what the difference between them is?

I'll help you. You're suspended for a week. Do some reading.

If you are wondering the difference between simple #define's and enumerations, then this is a C/C++ question, and you should direct your queries to Mr. Google (just try 'C++ enumeration', it's that easy).

In all seriousness, along the lines of your numerous other threads in the recent past, the docs do exist for a reason. As do search engines. Starting a new thread should not be the first thing you do when you have a problem or question. First, start with the docs, then to google or whatever you use. Then check the FAQ's here. Then search through old posts here on GDNet. At that point, seeing as you have done the proper reasearch, post. 30 new topics in ONE week is *not* following this.

Edit: uhh, yea, what Mnizzle said [wink]
Dustin Franklin ( circlesoft :: KBase :: Mystic GD :: ApolloNL )
Quote:Original post by Muhammad Haggag
How about you read the documentation to figure out what the difference between them is?

I'll help you. You're suspended for a week. Do some reading.

That was TOO much.

Quote:Original post by Code-R
Quote:Original post by Muhammad Haggag
How about you read the documentation to figure out what the difference between them is?

I'll help you. You're suspended for a week. Do some reading.

That was TOO much.

Checked his posting history? My action was not based on this thread alone. I'm honestly sick of having a billion questions that can be quite simply answered by reading very straight-forward pages of documentation.

He doesn't have that bad post istory, and still, simply ignoring him or giving him the RTFM wuld have been enough. Now you've cut him off, which won't help him the slightest, nor will it make any difference for all of use here on the forums that'll simply choose to ignore him. Refuse to help him, but don't cut his vocal cords so he won't be able to ask for help again...
Quote:Original post by Code-R
He doesn't have that bad post istory, and still, simply ignoring him or giving him the RTFM wuld have been enough. Now you've cut him off, which won't help him the slightest, nor will it make any difference for all of use here on the forums that'll simply choose to ignore him. Refuse to help him, but don't cut his vocal cords so he won't be able to ask for help again...

Dude he posted 30 topics in ONE WEEK. That speaks for itself. And if you look at the questions, they are straight out of the docs.

Muhammad had talked with him in the past about his posting, and he simply chose to ignore it.
Dustin Franklin ( circlesoft :: KBase :: Mystic GD :: ApolloNL )
In other news, the color for suspended users is a fantastically terrible choice.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.

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