[.net] Visual C# Express Edition

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12 comments, last by Philky 18 years, 4 months ago
I have VS.NET 2003 (Academic Edition) on my computer. I wanted to get the new VS; however, my college doesn't have that MS Agreement that allowed me to get 2003 for extremely cheap. However, I found that I can download Visual C# Express Edition for free from Microsoft. So now I'm wondering what the differences are. Please keep in mind that I'm only interested in developing with C#, not VB, not managed C++, not J#, just C#. I'm also planning on developing MDX apps. So what will I be missing if I use Visual C# Express? Should I just stick with VS2003? Maybe switch to something like SharpDevelop? Thanks in advance for the details and opinions.
The features that are missing shouldn't affect you. Here is the link to the product comparison: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/products/compare/default.aspx
Quote:Original post by yaroslavd
I have VS.NET 2003 (Academic Edition) on my computer. I wanted to get the new VS; however, my college doesn't have that MS Agreement that allowed me to get 2003 for extremely cheap. However, I found that I can download Visual C# Express Edition for free from Microsoft. So now I'm wondering what the differences are. Please keep in mind that I'm only interested in developing with C#, not VB, not managed C++, not J#, just C#. I'm also planning on developing MDX apps. So what will I be missing if I use Visual C# Express? Should I just stick with VS2003? Maybe switch to something like SharpDevelop?

Thanks in advance for the details and opinions.

If this is for school work, be careful. You are also comparing 2 different versions of the .NET framework.
Quote:Original post by dohtem
Quote:Original post by yaroslavd
I have VS.NET 2003 (Academic Edition) on my computer. I wanted to get the new VS; however, my college doesn't have that MS Agreement that allowed me to get 2003 for extremely cheap. However, I found that I can download Visual C# Express Edition for free from Microsoft. So now I'm wondering what the differences are. Please keep in mind that I'm only interested in developing with C#, not VB, not managed C++, not J#, just C#. I'm also planning on developing MDX apps. So what will I be missing if I use Visual C# Express? Should I just stick with VS2003? Maybe switch to something like SharpDevelop?

Thanks in advance for the details and opinions.

If this is for school work, be careful. You are also comparing 2 different versions of the .NET framework.

Can't I use .NET 2.0 with VS2003? And it's not really for school work, it's just for indy game dev.
I'd say if you plan on working on this project at school, stick with VS2003. If you want to work on this using .NET 2.0 and think you'll only work on it at home, pick up VS2005. It's a very nice IDE and .NET 2.0 just makes it that much nicer.

Remember that any client computer will then need .NET 2.0 installed for your application to run.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
Also note that each version of visual studio is specific to a version of the .Net framework. Thus VS 2002 can only use .Net 1.0, VS 2003 uses only .Net 1.1, and VS 2005 uses only .Net 2.0.

I've played with MDX using C# Express Edition. It seemed to work ok but there are a lot of reports of bugs with MDX for .Net 2.0. The bugs will probably start going away quickly as new releases of MDX come out. Personally I'm sticking with VS2003 and MDX for .Net 1.1 for right now (or at least for the next couple releases of MDX).

As a side note, Visual Studio is designed for you to be able to run multiple versions of it on the same PC. So you can try out VS2005 without affecting VS2003. I'd recommend going ahead and checking out the C# express edition, especially since MS is giving it away for free.
Sort of diverging from the topic but has anyone heard when/if the VS2005 components are going to be made available outside the suite?
Quote:Original post by Philky
The features that are missing shouldn't affect you. Here is the link to the product comparison: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/products/compare/default.aspx

But I can't seem to be able to switch between debug and release compilation in VC# Express. Is this normal? I think it intelligently selects debug for you when running from the IDE and otherwise release.

Happy New Year!
Go to tools/options and select the "show all options" checkbox in the lower left of the dialog. That should allow you to select and configure debug and release builds.
I've been using various version of 2005 pretty much all year.
In that time i havn't had a single problem with any version, including 2005 final.
I've heard disabling edit and continue helps it a lot too.

The only major feature that the express edition lacks that you may miss is the thread debug viewer.

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