Code::Blocks Difficulties

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7 comments, last by guyver23 18 years, 4 months ago
Hello! I've decided to switch over to Code::Blocks. My compiler of choice is the free one from Borland. When I try to build any code, I get a bunch of errors concering unresolved linking to some Borland object files. I added the two needed config files to the bin directory, so I know that isn't the problem. I didn't, however, set up the compiler to run at the command line. Is this the problem, or is Code::Blocks doing something? Thanks! =)
I can tell about borland compiler cause I never used it.

Unresolved linkage errors usually apear when the dependencies (libraries) are not found. Did you place all the includes and libraries the borland compiler might need to work well in the right places?
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Yes. The application in question is simply a hello world program.... It seems there must be something wrong either with the way I set up the compiler or the IDE. =(
you could change the compiler to the compiler of that of borland if you wanted... it shouldnt be hard... really the problem is that borland is what command prompt? i think code blocks needs a compiler and it looks for one.. your best bet would probably be to first try compiling this

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
cout << "Hello World" << endl;

if it does indeed not compile... uninstall all your compilers and download bloodshed at

then if you wanted to switch like i did download codeblocks after downloading dev because codeblocks will find devs compiler.
To be specific, I am certain it is a problem with the compiler/IDE and not the code (it runs fine in Dev C++). I have my heart set on using the Borland Command line tools, because they have always produced the best results. ^_^
hm, well, which version of the borland compiler are you using? my advice is to uninstall borland, reinstall it using the default settings, then reinstall code::blocks, and use the compiler auto detection tools. That's the best advice I can give.
I am using the free version 5.5 command line tools, sir.
Did you created the project from the console template?
If you created a new console project from the templates, it will compile with the GCC compiler by default,it's a bug in the templates system of code::blocks. If that's the case you should go to your project build options and change it.
Thanks for you all your help. It works great now. :)

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