glTexImage3D uses double the video memory

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13 comments, last by 18 years, 4 months ago
I was undeer the impression that you had to enable mipmapping???
mipmapping whilst not necessary is usually benificial QRT speed it does require an extra ~33% memory (not twice as much)
Well, I don't really want to use mip mapping at this point. I'd be happy just understanding why my texture memory is twice what it should be.
Now I'm even in the NVIDIA Developer Program, and they haven't given me any input as to what might be the problem!!! AARRGH!
You should also check the driver settings. There is an option that forces the use of mipmaps (but I don't know if that setting applies to 3d textures as well). The driver settings have cause me problems more than once.

But ideally mipmaps should only take 33% more memory.

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