Multithread supported Engine

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7 comments, last by Zoma 18 years, 3 months ago
Hi all. I'm in search of a game graph engine which support multithread. We are working for a phonetic product which has a game surface outside. Our application must work on a pronunciation engine in another thread simultaneity. I look for a game engine the worth less than 5000$ or open source. Thanks for any advise.
Multithreaded game engine for $5000? Did you try the salvation army? the red cross?
Quote:Original post by Code-R
Multithreaded game engine for $5000? Did you try the salvation army? the red cross?

Come now, that's not necessary.
afaik ogre3d does support multithreading(if you compile it with threadsupport ofc) ... its distributed under LGPL ...
My boss may select Torque Game Engine. How about this engine in Multithreaded?
Instead of waiting for us to answer questions be proactive, 30 seconds of looking got this:

It's not multithreaded based on what's there, but you get full source and could technically add it in. You could also run the engine in one thread and your other stuff in another...

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin

What kind of access does the pronunciation engine need to data in the graphics thread?

Best regards, Omid
It may be possible to have a game engine interact with another thread without needing to be aware that the other thread exists. For example the other thread could put data on a queue to be polled by the game engine, and vice versa.
I would think you could write the app to run each engine update, which would still be single threaded. This is how our editor works (it updates the engine in its main windows loop). If you really need it to be multithreaded, you can just run the app in a separate thread from the engine. Certain dialogs in our editor get launched in an independent thread from the engine.

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