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14 comments, last by BloodLust666 18 years, 3 months ago
ok, i got rid of all the other errors... all i have left are the first 2 weird ones, and the sdl ones. i don't know what's wrong with the sdl ones. i'm doing everything right. linking the 2 libs (sdl.dll and sdlmain.dll), including the header (sdl.h), and using /MtD... anything else i'm missing?
-------------------------Unless specified otherwise, my questions pertain:Windows Platform (with the mindset to keep things multi-platform as possible)C++Visual Studio 2008OpenGL with SFML
Quote:Original post by EvilKnuckles666
and using /MtD... anything else i'm missing?

Yes, check over what you are supposed to be using for the run time library.
oh woops hah

now i just have:

Drawing error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _SDL_main referenced in function _main
-------------------------Unless specified otherwise, my questions pertain:Windows Platform (with the mindset to keep things multi-platform as possible)C++Visual Studio 2008OpenGL with SFML
-------------------------Unless specified otherwise, my questions pertain:Windows Platform (with the mindset to keep things multi-platform as possible)C++Visual Studio 2008OpenGL with SFML
Quote:Original post by EvilKnuckles666

Please read this post.
wow, for future refence, what causes that error is you need the 2 params in main()

main(int argc, char* argv[])

-------------------------Unless specified otherwise, my questions pertain:Windows Platform (with the mindset to keep things multi-platform as possible)C++Visual Studio 2008OpenGL with SFML

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