OpenGL ES vs. Direct3DMobile

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11 comments, last by yoursort 18 years, 3 months ago
Just a follow-up after I got my hands on an HP rx1955 iPaq:

Well there's no point in me running benchmarks like I had promised. This device is using the D3DM Reference driver as it's D3DM driver. I can't begin to tell you how bad of move this is. This driver should never end up on production devices as it's only used for driver verification and software development testing purposes. It's similar to the D3D Reference Rasterizer supplied with the DX SDK, in that it's designed to generate proper reference images - not for performance (nor is it supposed to be redistributed).

How HP was allowed to ship this as their D3DM driver is beyond my understanding because as far as I know, Microsoft forbids this sort of thing. Perhaps HP will offer an OS update in the future for this device that will include a legit D3DM driver.

Yes, Dell Axim x50v and x51v have an integrated Intel 2700g card with a Power MBX-lite 3d processor (without vertex processing: is only a rasterizer). You can achieve a quite interesting frame rate in high resolution (480x640) (20-30 fps with textured, filtered, 10.000+ tris scenes). The drawback is that you have to use a sick and old OpenGL ES 1.0 Common Lite fixed-only library delivered by PowerVR ( Old and sick because they supported OpenGL 1.1 on evey platform except of the WM5... And because they don't answer to emails and faxes... And other amazing junks like "32 bit Z buffers" and other funny bullshit. :P

On your iPaq you should use the Rasteroid (ex a. k. a. Gerbera) by Hybrid ( This is a software (but very stable, clean and optimized) implementation of both OpenGL 1.0/1.1 Common and Common Lite profiles. This software is copyrighted but free for non commercial projects. Moreover, their site and the Hybrid staff is really cooperative: just have a check on their forum to gather more information or to obtain answers directly from the Rasteroid developers.
First thx for all your replies!

There are no noticeable speed differences for the little example programms between c++ and c#.

A while ago I checked my D3DM driver and didn´t thought about the reference driver because I thought every device with no hardware acceleration uses the reference driver.
But of course every vendor can write an optimized specific device driver. I hope there will be an OS update soon.

No, I do not blame Intel for an driver failing to run on a competitor's CPU. :)
But I thought that I´ve read something like: Samsung-CPUs are XScale-compatibe. But maybe that´s wrong.

@Anonymous Poster:
Until now I only used the vincent implementation but I will give the rasteroid implementation a try.

By now I´ve got a bit time until I have to decide the topic of my bachelor thesis. I only wanted to play a bit with the different APIs to see which fits best for me (especially for my device because I´ve got no money for another one ;)

[Edited by - yoursort on February 3, 2006 7:36:38 AM]

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