[Resolved, source code posted]Sliding collision (camera) against a BSP tree

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21 comments, last by CadeF 18 years, 2 months ago
hi "CadeF" i was working with 3D collision detection in C# and i got some result not perfect but it is ok and it needs some corrections i didn't have time to correct it , what i did in my collision detection algorithm is that i gave my function the mesh i want to detect collision against it and i calculated the nearest collision point and make my responce to it "which i think is wrong because i am ignoring the other collision points" so that's what i want to correct , if u want we can exchange our 3d collison detection algorithms and work together to obtain a good result , what u say ????????
And, code for pushing a sphere, converted to use a node-based bsp

    Public Function TestPointWorldLocality(ByVal pt As Vector3, Optional ByVal Prev As Integer = -1) As Boolean        Select Case PointPlaneLocality(pt, Center, Normal, 0)            Case Enum_PointPlaneLocality.Front                If Front > -1 Then                    Return World.BSP.Node(Front).TestPointWorldLocality(pt, Front)                Else                    Return True                End If            Case Enum_PointPlaneLocality.Back                If Back > -1 Then                    Return World.BSP.Node(Back).TestPointWorldLocality(pt, Back)                Else                    Return False                End If            Case Enum_PointPlaneLocality.Split                Return False        End Select        Return False    End Function    Public Sub PushSphere(ByRef Pos As Vector3, ByVal Radius As Single)        Dim d As Single = Abs(PointPlaneLocalityDot(Pos, Center, Normal))        If d <= Radius Then            If World.BSP.Node(0).TestPointWorldLocality(Pos + Vector3.Scale(Normal, Radius)) <> World.BSP.Node(0).TestPointWorldLocality(Pos - Vector3.Scale(Normal, Radius - d)) Then                Pos.Subtract(Vector3.Scale(Normal, Radius - d))            End If        End If        If Front > -1 Then World.BSP.Node(Front).PushSphere(Pos, Radius)        If Back > -1 Then World.BSP.Node(Back).PushSphere(Pos, Radius)    End Sub

This code works perfectly, it is all I am using for sliding collision detection. :)

[Edited by - CadeF on February 11, 2006 6:21:02 AM]
Discovered the odd bug in that code. This code fixes that bug, seems to work flawlessly now.
Class clsFace    Public Function IsAbove(ByVal Pos As Vector3) As Boolean        Dim I As Integer = 0        Dim J As Integer = Points.Length - 1        For I = 0 To Points.Length - 1            Dim EdgeNorm As Vector3 = Vector3.Cross(Normal, Points(I) - Points(J))            If Vector3.Dot(EdgeNorm, Pos) - Vector3.Dot(EdgeNorm, Points(I)) < 0 Then                Return False            End If            J = I        Next        Return True    End FunctionClass clsBSPNode    Public Sub PushSphere(ByRef Pos As Vector3, ByVal Radius As Single)        Dim d As Single = Abs(PointPlaneLocalityDot(Pos, Center, Normal))        If d < Radius Then            If World.Face(Face).IsAbove(Pos) Then                Pos.Subtract(Vector3.Scale(Vector3.Normalize(Normal), Radius - d))            End If        End If        If Front > -1 Then World.BSP.Node(Front).PushSphere(Pos, Radius)        If Back > -1 Then World.BSP.Node(Back).PushSphere(Pos, Radius)    End Sub

Not doing it all wrong now, am I? :)

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