best single moments in gaming history

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63 comments, last by Rixter 18 years, 3 months ago
Quote:The end of Super Metroid, when you are almost defeated by the mother brain, and that giant metroid (the one you saved at the end of Metoid II), comes flying in and sacrifices itself to save you :). When it first swoops in you want to start cheering, when it dies you want to cry, and when it gives you it's power you want revenge. It's pretty awesome, even to this day.


...Well its the thought that counted.

Probably when I reached Grandmaster meditation and eval intelligence in Ultima Online, before all the exploits or changes that made it easy. And there are other UO moments too that was pure happiness.

Being among the 10 first to get to level 60 on the european servers in World of warcraft was also quite a kick.

The single strongest memory other then mmorpgs, was when Legend of Zelda came out on the Nintendo 8bit. How I waited for that game. And one day it arrived in my mail and it was golden.
Domine non secundum peccata nostra facias nobis
The game Chrono Trigger. The whole game.


Especially when Crono dies.
omg repost :P

I have one more to add to what I have here, and that's 2 parts of the Bard's Tale, the first being the dance room in MacRath's castle and the ending of the Bard's Tale
The dark-side-of-the-force ending in Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2.
geat ones!! thats bit in half life is amazing

i'll share a couple more that i have been sent:

+shinobi - when you rescue the girls that have been kidnapped
+stryder - coupld unerstand what the peson said, but it involved riding off int the sunset. wll it would, wouldnt it?
+orginal streetffighter, where you win overall and everyone is cheering

+ i just rmebered 1942, which i sstill think is one of the coolest games i can remember - at the end there are all these other planes taht join you going into eh sunset. did we really kill all the germans?
+someone just mentioned outrun to me - i thin it was an arcade one with cars (a red farrari i seem to remember) but i cant remember what happened in the end.
Getting Perfect:1 Ranking in Perfect Dark.

Getting all cheats in GoldenEye 007

Trying to beat the 7th dungeon in The Legend of Zelda with my neighbors :)
Quote:Original post by g3mac_uk
The other moment is where the radio goes off for the first time, altering you to the incoming danger. Both moment still shock me today even though I know there coming.

Oh, yeah. Now I won't be able to sleep tonight.
Quote:Original post by Ravuya
Quote:Original post by g3mac_uk
The other moment is where the radio goes off for the first time, altering you to the incoming danger. Both moment still shock me today even though I know there coming.

Oh, yeah. Now I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Note to self: change Ravuya's alarm to play static at 3 AM.

Completing each Doom game on Nightmare. Man, that was an awesome feeling! Completely insane all the way through. Some of the best fun I've had.

There's also a moment in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, on the last level just before the boss. You end up coming out of a huge corridor of death, and across a large field is a cathedral. In the middle of the field is a tiny ruin with 4 exits (left, right, ahead, behind). When you get to the ruin, a huge storm breaks out and you get attacked by literally hordes of enemies from all sides for probably 5 minutes. Getting past that on Serious difficulty was also incredibly rewarding. In fact, that entire last level was fantastic. One of the best last levels I've ever played, from the layout, to the enemies to the music.

Might be playing it later on with a mate, so if I do, I'll get some screenies of it. :) Oh and I agree with whoever mentioned Diablo. Killing the Diablo Clone in Diablo 2 was also great, after waiting so long for it to spawn and getting a nice unique charm for it. :)

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