Mouse coordinates in a 2D-ish system [SOLVED]

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3 comments, last by Kalidor 18 years, 2 months ago
I'm creating a visual designer in OpenGL in C# and the Windows environment. The designer hosts 2-D rectangular sprites. I need to do hit testing on the sprites with the client mouse coordinates. I've found plenty of examples on how to do picking in 3-D space, but this doesn't seem to quite fit that. There are two things that make it difficult: the canvas can be zoomed in or out and the sprites can be rotated about their centers. I know I'll need to take the projection and modelview matrices into account for this. All the examples use gluUnProject to accomplish this. I don't need to check which object is directly below my mouse cursor, though; I can hit-test them in reverse draw order to determine which one was in front. Am I making any sense? If you have any advice, please let me know. [Edited by - DaWanderer on March 3, 2006 12:57:41 AM]
gluUnproject doesn't tell you what object is directly below your mouse cursor, it only gives you a point along a ray extending from the near Z plane to the far Z plane.

You should be able to use gluUnproject with the near Z set to 0.0f and the far Z set to 1.0f (the Z coordinate is normalized) to create this ray. Then you can iterate through your list in reverse order, as you mentioned.
Here's the way I use it:

If you use glOrtho view mode, you should go:
glOrtho(0, uiWindowWidth, uiWindowHeight, 0, 0, 1);

That will ensure you have your rectangles aligned with Windows coordinate system, where (0,0) is Top Left.

1. Acquire mouse position either via message loop or ::GetCursorPos(LPPOINT Point)
2. Adjust mouse coordinates by using ::ScreenToClient(GetActiveWindow(), &Point);

Voila! You get your proper transition from Windows to OpenGL. Now you can do the testing such as PointInRect supplying rectangle of your sprite.
"Don't try. Do it now."
Well, I feel pretty dumb. I was calling glLoadIdentity in my rendering function (per NeHe's tutorial) and wiping out my glOrtho call. Thanks for all your help!

[Edited by - DaWanderer on March 2, 2006 11:46:27 PM]
Quote:Original post by DaWanderer
I was calling glLoadIdentity in my rendering function (per NeHe's tutorial) and wiping out my glOrtho call.
glOrtho creates a projection matrix, and should therefore only be called when the current matrix is set to GL_PROJECTION. This way when you call glLoadIdentity on the GL_MODELVIEW matrix, your projection won't be affected.

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