Melax BSP: unwanted invisible walls

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-1 comments, last by Graf Chocula 18 years, 2 months ago
hi all I'm trying to implement collision detection and resolve for level environment, based on Melax paper "Dynamic Plane Shifting BSP Traversal". Even though beveling edges as mentioned in the paper, I still got some unwanted invisible walls. When going down the bsp tree, checking each node/plane for intersection with the player-sphere/cylinder, you check both subtrees of a node/plane "A" colliding with the player. Unfortunatly there is a chance that one of the subtrees holds a plane similar to "A" resulting in a collision and therefore in an invisible wall, even when you did not touch the polygons belonging to that plane. I created some images to illustrate the problem: Any idea what to do about this? This case does not seem to be mentioned in Melax papers, so did I maybe do something wrong?

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