my free online RPG is now out

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3 comments, last by Nevar 23 years, 3 months ago check it out..the first online RPG made in Macromedia Director. Yup, it''s possible =) eat it, VB =P
I tried to download it, but it said it finished (when it shouldn''t have), and said the .exe was corrupted...

The Shining Knight
BlueScream Software
never had that happen before...havent heard it from anyone else either, try downloading it again
the ''About First Star'' link on the left doesn''t work.
I downlaoded the game and installed it, then I made a new character ( "[BmP]" ) and I tested the chat app. It all worked fine.

But when I tried to go and actualy play the game the program
just keeps saying "Connecting to gameserver. Please wait..."!

I waited a long time but nothing happened....

BTW the interface looks good!


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