book recommendations for a proper foundation in 3d graphics

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7 comments, last by igni ferroque 18 years, 1 month ago
i'm looking for something that i can use to "start over" and properly further my learning. preferably something i can pick up at borders or barnes and noble within the week, but it doesn't really matter to me. i have tentative intermediate knowledge of opengl, and other basic principles, but i learned in pieces. i'm very interested in fully understanding the use of matrices in rendering, and then their use in everything else, be it animation or whatever. i want something that will work from that kind of basis. the gl red book is available online, so i don't think i'll pick that up, though i've considered it. really all the answers i could ever need are online, but i'm hoping for a book that makes it all the more accessible. any help would be much appreciated.
the zed3d tutorial (sort of a book) that was written in the early 90's is an excellent foundation in the mathematics of 3d rendering. Sorry its not a book, but its still a great doc.
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice by Foly, van Dam, et al... it's old (2nd ed is 1992 I think), but you can probably get it on amazon or for a couple of bucks, and it covers all of the theory, including some global illumination and other things.
3D math primer for graphics and game development
Book by Fletcher Dunn and Ian Parberry.
Great book, heaps of examples -- written in plain english but covers really important 3D stuff (the math you should know -before- you code 3D) :)


oh, and it has a detailed chapter on matrices.
------------'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot. C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg.' -Bjarne Stroustrup
Since you're using OpenGL, Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications is great for the Math aspects of 3D games (it uses OpenGL and GLUT for it's examples). Gamedev also has reviews for a number of other good math books.

Real-Time Rendering is an essential reference. Though be aware that there is almost no source code in the book - which depending on what you want out of a book is either a good or a bad thing - you may or may not get much out of the book now, but at some point in the future you should consider owning a copy. The book's web site is also an invaluable resource for links to all things related to real time 3D graphics.
Andre Le Mothe's Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus: Advanced 3D graphics and rasterization builds a graphic engine from the ground up, simply based on math, matrices, and c++. He barely uses DirectX except for surfaces, and a few other things. It gives a very mathematical explanation of most 3D rendering.

thanks again, the rest of you.
Quote:i'm looking for something that i can use to "start over" and properly further my learning. preferably something i can pick up at borders or barnes and noble within the week, but it doesn't really matter to me. i have tentative intermediate knowledge of opengl, and other basic principles, but i learned in pieces.

Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach Using OpenGL by Edward Angel

It sounds like this is just the book for you. I was in a similar situation when I bought it for a class, and I found it to be immensely helpful.
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