Begin learning C++?

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13 comments, last by ChurchSkiz 18 years, 1 month ago

You are going to get a lot of differing opinions on what language to use. The bottom line is that any language you stick with and learn will be a good language to start with. The important part is the learning. Many people here started with c++ and turned out ok. Many people started with Python and learned c++ just fine. I personally started with c++ and didn't find it that hard to grasp basic concepts (mastery is different). It honestly depends on your learning style. If you would rather jump right in and start doing things right away, then pick a simpler language like Python (or even a game making tool like Game Maker). If you like to research and learn the nitty gritty stuff right away before you start tinkering, C++ might be fine for you. With C++ there is a certain level of logistical code that you have to create and understand for each program that isn't necessary in some languages. It's impossible to answer the question "Is this language good." The better question is "will this language be good for me" and only you can answer that.

If you decide to start with C++, pick up the book I suggested. It is a great beginning primer on C++ that introduces beginning-intermediate concepts using basic console games. It's nice because not only do you get to learn c++, you are also introduced slowly to how to use c++ to make a game.

Good luck, and the best advice I can give ever is: Always finish a project!
Quote:Original post by ChurchSkiz
Good luck, and the best advice I can give ever is: Always finish a project!

That's absolutely excellent advice. To that end, my advice is to always choose projects which you can finish in a reasonable amount of time. Otherwise something will almost certainly come up which will interrupt your progress. Then you'll have a half-finished project which you put a lot of work into, and maybe even learned a lot from, but will not be able to show to anybody.

Do not join the fools around here who want to make an MMO. Stick to small games and tech demos.
Do we have any Software tool where we can practice developing game, or i just have to learn c++ and thats it! i can be a game developer?!

Do not forget to read up on program design. I had problems with this a couple years ago when I started. I could tell you how to do anything in C++(or so i thought ; ), but I couldn't design a program! After reading some logic, program design, and problem analysis books, I can now(In my humble opinion) design a program and implement it in any language I know well enough. Believe me, this is a big one, and you'll thank me later(at least, I hope you will^_^).

P.S. In my Ultimately, Grand Supreme, Most Powerful, but HUMBLE Opinion, any language that supports SDL and OpenGL(and win32 and DirectX) will be fine.

Disclaimer: The contents of this post may offend some particularly stupid people. Deal with it.
(Don't take this seriously, OK?)
Disclaimer: The contents of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any sane person, and may in fact, contradict such views. Deal with it. ;)
Quote:Original post by Ryuji23
Do we have any Software tool where we can practice developing game, or i just have to learn c++ and thats it! i can be a game developer?!

Look into Game Maker. There are a lot of game development programs where you don't have to have any programming language. I don't have any experience with them however.

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