SDL or Allegro?

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17 comments, last by 18 years, 1 month ago
Ok so I have gotten pretty good with using GDI to make a sprite engine and writing a small little shoot em up with it. I want to move on to bigger and better things though, and I am particularly interested in something that is cross-platform whcih is why I am not using DirectDraw. So I now have two questions 1. What is better SDL or Allegro? IE which has better features and is easier to code with? 2. Which is better for making a crossplatform game? SDL or Allegro? Or are they both just as good when it comes to cross platform games?
Well. I'm using SDL, its very easy to code with and very powerful. Its very popular in linux game programming, you can find a lot of examples, games, tutorials, books, etc. Don't know about allegro but I like SDL and really don't want to try another library.
I say just try 'em both.

Learn to make games with my SDL 2 Tutorials

I've tried both, but I prefer SDL myself. I recommend you try them both out as well. Probably just comes down to personal taste with something like that. They both have a lot going for them.
I should add, which one has better networking code? I plan on making my next game networked.

And yes its going to be an MMORPG :-P (no, not really)
Quote:Original post by Cubed3
I should add, which one has better networking code? I plan on making my next game networked.

And yes its going to be an MMORPG :-P (no, not really)

SDL has no networking. Well... it does with the extension SDL_net, but SDL_net sucks a huge one.

Just use an additional library like HawkNL.

Learn to make games with my SDL 2 Tutorials

Quote:Original post by Cubed3
I should add, which one has better networking code? I plan on making my next game networked.

And yes its going to be an MMORPG :-P (no, not really)

i've heard many good things about raknet, but i've never tried it myself.
This space for rent.
I'm gonna give a vote to SDL. Doesn't take long to set things up and you can program graphics in very little time.
I haven't tried Allegro, but my impression is that it would be quicker to do sprite-based games, whereas SDL can be used with it's graphics API or later changed to OpenGL for advanced 2D or 3D graphics. It's what I use and recommend.
I never used SDL, but my expierience with allegro are as follows. Very easy to learn and to create sprite based games. But it graphical capabilites are very limited if compared to direct draw. I do not recommend allegro for big projects, only for very small one-programmer games.

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