Calling all OpenGL guru's!

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4 comments, last by Morpheus011 18 years ago
Pop quiz! You're trying to draw a mesh with two textures and a fixed number of vertices, but the vertices are not static. Which is generally faster? Multitexturing with glVertex3f calls _or_ Two passes, uploading and calling display list (or vertex buffer).
Never use glVertex for nontrivial geometry. It is slooooooooooooooow.

In your case, consider VBOs.


"You're trying to draw a mesh with two textures and a fixed number of vertices, but the vertices are not static."

Great. VBOs don't need to be, either.

Oh, and why would you be doing two passes?
You know, quoting someone like that makes you look really unpolite.
Ask Mr. Google for GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB okay?
As the AP points out there are multiple ways to handle VBO data. You can tell the OpenGL state machine that you are more then likely going to be changing the data in the VBO at run time. Display lists are generally used for static geometry, recreating them every time you need them completely trivializes their use.

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