Dynamic Clothing

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9 comments, last by xissburg 18 years ago
Hi, I'm in my second semester towards my Bachelor's Degree in Game Design. I haven't had any modelling classes yet, but I'm doing tutorials in my free time with 3DsMax8. My current task is working with Dynamic clothing. I've figured it out for the most part, how to assign points to not be effected by forces, how to create collision objects. My problem is actually attaching the clothing to the character while it is animated and moved. My characters tend to walk straight through it. Any tips? [Edited by - Izbayachonay on April 24, 2006 3:07:46 PM]
You'd usually have the clothing as a 'skin', i.e. set of textures, applied to the model for the character in question.
That would be a lot more practical, but I was trying to figure out dynamic clothing that is effected by gravity and wind effects. I know I probably won't be using it for a while, but I just wanted it for the sake of knowing how.
You'll need the character to be a collision object so it can affect the physics, then it should be a simple matter of attaching the clothes to the character rig, whether it's a parenting effect or a couple of constraints. I work with Maya, but I imagine it's pretty similar in 3DS; basically they just need to see each other.
I had set my character to a collision object, and connected it to my Character Rig in Schematic view, but I still got the problem. Maybe I need to connect the clothing to the character before I put the cloth modifier on it? I'll give it a shot when I get home. Thank you for the input, guys! ^^
In Maya there's an "order of operations" for deformations. So yes, you may need to have the skeletal deformers apply before the dynamic deformers, so they calculate in the proper order.

Also, just because you tell the character to be a collision object, it might not have the connection to the cloth. The cloth has to "see" that it's supposed to care that the character is going to affect it, and you may be missing that link. Again, I'm not sure how 3DS does this, but that's how it works conceptually in Maya.
Well, yeah. In 3DsMax, you apply a cloth modifier to the object you want to behave as cloth. You set the parameters or use a preset, and you click the 'Add objects' button to add more objects into the same modifier. So I add in the Character, and set it to a collision object. When I hit the simulate button, the cloth falls as normal, and collides with the body. Everything is peachy. Things mess up when I make the character walk though :/

But yeah, I bet that the order in which I did things is the problem, I'll give it a run through when I get home. Thanks so much :)
Yes, then, order is likely the problem. Good luck! Happy to help. I'm more of an artist than a programmer, so I can help you there... and learn in the programming side. ;D
Oh I was suprised when I browsed the forums. Everyone's a programmer! I literally know NOTHING of C++, but I'm a 3DsMax Wiz :)

They need to make a modelling segment in the forum.
Well, there are other sites that focus on the art side of things, like highend3d.com and its sort. There are a few of us who are artists first and programmers second, though. :D It never hurts to ask.

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