Questionnaire question...

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-1 comments, last by Valkyrie4896 18 years ago
Hi guys, Im currently studying degree and I planned to develope a simple 3d engine in Python for my degree project. Im still doing the documentations for the project, and is in the IRR phase, and I need to conduct a few fact finding. Now the problem is, I have no idea what to ask in my questionnaire... Since my program's to be written in Python, there're not many people who knows about Python here, and nobody's doing 3d engine for their project, so I seriously have no idea what to ask besides : "Have you ever heard of Python programming language? If yes, do you like it?" This 3d engine is developed for my own use, so I cant really ask generic questions about people liking my application... Can someone help me think about a few questions to ask? Or perhaps is there any other more suitable fact finding techniques for me? Thanks in advance.

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