Writing the Game Editor

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9 comments, last by Kaze 17 years, 12 months ago
Hi I am confused which GUI toolkit to decide on to write a heavy featured game editor. I have the following options: MFC - Not portable - Have to buy the professional studio Qt + Portable - Very expensive event he trial version is 30 days only GTK + Free - Not too portable - Ugly - Slow Java + So portable + So reliable + Free - A bit slow - Cannot access Direct3D But I'm wondering what MFC 8 or 7.x has to offer over the previous version and is not going to be replaced soon by WinForms? Thanks!
wxWidgets is your best bet. The new Unreal Ed is using it:

+ Portable
+ Fast
+ Access to d3d
+ Use the native gui if you so wish
+ Mature
+ Does more than GUI (loads of classes to do all sorts of stuff)
+ Good documentation
- Probably a little bloated, but it gives you the ability to only link to stuff you want to use

I've been using it for about a year, and very much enjoy using it.

Hope that helps

What language is your game written in and what platforms are you targetting?
Can't you use c++ express?

Also, who is your target audience for this editor? if it's only you, then I question your cross-platform requirement (unless you develop in Linux or something) ... why can't you use winforms (C# even)?

Joel Martinez
If you're planning on using Direct3D, having it platform portable makes it kind of useless as Direct3D isn't portable anyway. The question you have to ask yourself is what you want to accomplish with this editor. Do you need hardware accelerated graphics for this editor? Do you need the editor to be portable? Do you need it to be fast?

Another solution would be to use the .NET/Mono platforms:
+ Portable
+ Multiple languages (C#, VB.NET, etc)
+ Fast
+ Access to Direct3D (not portable)
+ Access to OpenGL (Tao.OpenGl)
+ Free
+ Excellent IDEs (SharpDevelop, Visual Studio 2005 (free), etc)
- Dependancies (needs either .NET or Mono to be installed)
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
I agree with Rob.
Having worked with wxWidgets for 1½ years and then moving on to C# and MDX i must say that C# is definetly my preffered choice as well.
wxWidgets sucks, a fact out of question. And where is the GUI editor BTW?

C# and its .NET things is not for real on other platforms

GTK looks ugly and slow .... ok

MFC need to buy the VS full version

then I would buy Qt and cross platform

Java? Naaahhhhhhhhhhhh

Quote:Original post by quaker
C# and its .NET things is not for real on other platforms
What do you mean? Are you looking for portability? If so, then you'd be using Mono, an open-source cross-platform .NET implementation. Mono tries to mimic .NET, so the C# code you use in Mono will also work in .NET.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
You've given us next to no info. You mention D3D in your first post so you are not interested in cross platform abilities unless you're doing both OpenGL and D3D which you've not stated so we're guessing. Give us some more info and maybe we can help. Or you can keep shooting down ideas with your unsupported claims. It's your choice.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin

I want to use the open source Qt ed. but it only compiles under MinGW. I want to sue VS2005 express.

Yes I need to be able to support both GL and D3D if the platform supports that.

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