Four Elements Contest 2?

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31 comments, last by Moe 22 years, 12 months ago
I really liked the Four Elements contest that went on here at GameDev. I think that we should plan another one. I realize that it was probably hard to find a sponser for the prize but how about we forgo the prize this time? How about it guys?
How about it?

Never cross the thin line between bravery and stupidity.
Once this book Dave (Rhino) and I are working on, we will have some more contests (give me 2 months). I do like the idea of a Four Elements 2 contest, so we''ll see.


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All right! I will be sure to spend the next 2 months honing my DX8 skills and will hopefully have learned enough to make a contest entry.

This is good to hear!
I suppose it has been 2 months (or more). How close are we to having another contest?
You seems pretty serious about this Moe
I like the idea, and was thinking about this myself. The Four Elements contest could be an annual event like the GDC Indie festival. I say, start the contest now,and have the deadline be in June or July. The contest could even be divided into categories such as 2D and 3D, or Newbie, Advanced, Expert.

Rastagon 3

Rastagon 2 Engine
Its not the prize I''m after, I just want somebody to think that my programming is neat, and that I would like to show what I have learned in 1 year, 1 month, and 2 days, or there abouts

Well your persistence has paid off, Moe. I''ll try to setup the Four Elements 2 Contest as soon as I can. Give me a couple days.


Admin for

All right!

Feel free to give me more time to learn more DirectX 8.

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