Set Boolean Variable to opposite, eg if true, set to false, and vice versa.

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12 comments, last by Aardvajk 17 years, 10 months ago
Yeah here's the cool way.

flag ^= true;
m_bSelected = 1 - m_bSelected;
Quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster
m_bSelected = 1 - m_bSelected;

Hmm, I wouldn't have thought of that. Creative.

Anyway, OT: The whole BOOL = !BOOL is the way to go, as so many people said.
void __export convert_bool(bool *b){    switch(*b)        {        case true : *b=false; break;        case false: *b=true; break;        default: throw error();        }}int WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE,DWORD,LPVOID){    return 1;}

Compile with BCC32 -WD convert.cpp.
Place resulting file in Windows->System32 folder.

#include <windows.h>int main(int,const char **av){    HMODULE Hm=LoadLibrary("convert.dll");    if(Hm==NULL) throw error();    void(*f)(bool*)=(void(*)(bool*))GetProcAddress("_convert_bool");    if(f==NULL) throw error();    bool b=true;    f(&b);    FreeLibray(Hm);    return 0;}

[Edited by - EasilyConfused on June 26, 2006 6:03:36 AM]

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