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4 comments, last by Sharlin 17 years, 10 months ago
Does anyone know what the most important new features in the C++0x standard will be? Also, what's the difference between C++0x and TR1/TR2? I know there's a site about the new C++ standard, but some of the documents on it are password protected, and the rest is pretty hard to figure out, especially because many pages are about proposed stuff and not stuff that will be in it for sure. Thanks!
Personally, I think the addition of concepts sounds pretty useful. Anywhere, Stroustrup visited our university a while back, talking about C++0X. His slides are here
You might find them useful. :)
Well the standard is due to be finalized in 2009, so many things are uncertain at this stage. Important proposals include the nullptr keyword, concepts, a module system and a multithreaded memory model.

C++0x is the name used to refer to this new standard. It's final name will probably be C++09, assuming it is finished on time. TR1 is technical report 1, a set of standard library extensions consisting of things most likely to end up in the next standard. You can use std::tr1 today, and a lot of its functionality has been available in boost for a long time, such as (boost::/std::tr1::)shared_ptr. TR2 will be the same thing, to be released in the future.
Quote:Also, what's the difference between C++0x and TR1/TR2?

The TRs are non-normative. Their contents will be integrated into C++0x unless problems are found with them, I suppose.

Quote:I know there's a site about the new C++ standard, but some of the documents on it are password protected

The password-protected documents are likely internal correspondance we probably don't need to see.

Quote:and the rest is pretty hard to figure out, especially because many pages are about proposed stuff and not stuff that will be in it for sure.

Check that page out for the status of each proposal.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Thanks for the PDF spoonbender, that was pretty nice.
Everything in TR1, except Chapter 5.2 (special math functions), was accepted into the draft Standard in the Committee's Berlin meeting in spring. Those proposals *will* be in the final standard, unless some new core language functionality makes some of them redundant and/or obsolete.

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