Great Windows and DX9 tutorial!!!

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10 comments, last by WillPash 17 years, 9 months ago
Hi, I was recently searching on the internet for programming tutorials and I fount this page . I found that it has great Windows tutorials and pretty good DirectX9 introduction tutorials. So I wanted to share this to the comunity... cuz' is really hard to find decent simple tutorials.
------------------------------"Carpe Diem!""Failure is the prequel of success"_.-:Jimbo:-._
hey, that site has some very clear tutorials, thanks for the info ;)
Thanks for that link mate :)

You got your first rating from me!
There is a sticky for tutorials and articles, post your link there.
There is a sticky for tutorials and articles, post your link there.

thx, I'll do that :)

EDIT: I tried to put it on the sticky, but seems closed... :(
------------------------------"Carpe Diem!""Failure is the prequel of success"_.-:Jimbo:-._
Quote:Original post by jorelmb
EDIT: I tried to put it on the sticky, but seems closed... :(

PM the moderator and he can post it for you.
Definitely some very simple tutorials there. Best Ive seen so far.
Excellent find. Good stuff. Thanks.
These are indeed wonderful tutorials. Thanks!

- Stenny
What do I expect? A young man's quest to defeat an evil sorceror while discovering the truth of his origins. A plucky youngster attended by her brutish guardian. A powerful artifact which has been broken into a small number of artifactlets distributed around the world.What do I want? Fewer damn cliches. - Sneftel
Look pretty neat. I would however love it if tutorial authors could make a version with is printer freindly :)

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