"Tank Game" Team Project - First Screenshots

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17 comments, last by ramboocha 17 years, 9 months ago
es, your team mates would be AI, just like the enemies, cuz the game is going to be single player...
Though having it in multiplayer sounds intresting. . . :)

Oh, i thought it will be multiplayer.
Anyway, i imagine it will be fun with singlepayer too! :)
Be sure to post as image of the day when you have something working, looking forward to this game.
Quote:Original post by EvilCookie
(Man how you make "quotes"? Well, anyways, I'll just use quotation marks...)

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Quote:Original post by EvilCookie
No, cell-shading has to do with lightning, we however don't even use lights. Cuz cell-shading is sooo complicated... :/
The technique I was talking about was the contures.. :)

From my limited understanding, cell shading does a lookup on a 1-dimensional texture depending on the values calculated from the lighting algorithms. So yeah, what you are doing looks different than cell shading (but still very good looking!).

like the look of the game, can see potential there!
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There are lots of different ways to do cel shading, including the one described here, the one-dimensional texture map method, and a proper 'brute force' approach.

An important thing to note is that with the method being used here (scaling, and drawing the backfacing polygons of the scaled 'outline' in black) is that it only works really well for simple, roughly-spherical objects (it may be good enough for a cube, but you'll find that for a cylinder, the outline will be thicker on the endcaps of a long cylinder than it will be around the edge of the cylinder).

A more consistant solution would be to perform a 'vertex push', instead of a scaling; that is, you move each vertex by some distance along its normal vector. That will cause the outline to be a uniform width, everywhere on the object.

(Of course, the 1D texture mapping approach is simpler than either, and draws fewer triangles, and doesn't require you to calculate front/backface culling and break up your triangle strips in order to render only the backfaces... but it only works if your objects are smooth and have a lot of detail on them; it won't work for a simple cube, for example.)

And of course, the brute-force approach is slow. But it's probably fast enough to be used in modern games; I was doing it on a single high-res character in an old Dreamcast demo, many years ago, so you probably should be able to do it on a modern PC without too much concern. :)
That is looking pretty awesome, I too thought that it was 2D when I saw the second screenshot but I was in awe when I saw the others! I love the art style. Keep up the good work and get us a playable demo done soon!
Progress is born from the opportunity to make mistakes.

My prize winning Connect 4 AI looks one move ahead, can you beat it? @nickstadb
Is this 3D? What 3D engine are you using?
Woah, thanks for all the replies...! :D
I'm home again! :)

(Men tjenare, Enselic! :P
Ahaa... den knappen...)

We're using OpenGL and SDL, other than that we've done everything ourselfs...
Hahah, another one thinking it's 2D! That's awsome! xD You realy feel like you've succeded :P

Yah, mewse, you're right, everything's not scalable - that's why I said "problems do accure"... which they did! :O
-The plants are 2 models (obj), plant & plant outlines.

But for simple stuff like this it'll work in most cases. :)
Hey! I know the game Think Tanks, but this looks better 'cos of the cartoon appearance. It'll be HIT!
SeaSoft Leader

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