[.net] [help required]cd-rom autostart

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1 comment, last by apocalypse_k40 17 years, 9 months ago
I wrote a simple program that whenever a CDROM is mounted it copies all files into my harddrive. Now I want to add an extra functionality but I don not know how :( Here is my question : you know, when you mount a CD windows automatically pops a dialog that with which program we want to open the CD.. some programs add themselves to this list, so I want to do the same thing too! I will appreciate any help and thanks for your answers. Best Regards!
Documentation on implementing an AutoPlay handler. It looks a bit complicated; perhaps there are tutorials out there.

thanks for your help mutex.. I didn't even know the subject that I want to learn :D ! now at least I know it is called "autoplay"

but as you said, it is a bit complicated.. isn't there any tutorials, examples etc. anybody know ?

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