[java] BlockDude

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6 comments, last by eat2thepieseye 17 years, 8 months ago
Remember the old BlockDude game for the calculator? I made a java version which can be found here. I was planning on making a bunch of levels and adding them to the game but I have only gotten around to making a few. It would be greatly appreciated if you could make some levels with the level editor found here and post the source from the code generator for your level here so I can add it to my game. Also, any comments about the game would be greatly appreciated. (To start the game you need to click "Graphics" and select an option.)
OMG, that is an amazing game. I used to play it all the time in class.
Awesome work. I love how you included four graphics modes.
Very nice!

Thanks for the inspiration!
“every idea is a responsibility”
I'm glad you liked it. Do any of you know where I should look to find people who would enjoy making levels for this game?
Quote:Original post by eat2thepieseye
I'm glad you liked it. Do any of you know where I should look to find people who would enjoy making levels for this game?

It's a good question, but, I expect that this forum topic is full of developers that have their own projects. I wonder if you should run this request through the a more general (and more public) topic like Game Design?

Just a thought (because I know your pain in wanting help extending your game -- we've all been there).

Good luck!
“every idea is a responsibility”
thats a pretty good game. have anymore levels for it? played all the extra ones you made that arent in the original game. in the final "you won" level, does it matter what door you go through? i made it through the top one, havent done the bottom one yet.
Both the top and bottom doors are possible, and I'm in the process of making more levels.

[Edited by - eat2thepieseye on December 9, 2006 10:52:33 PM]

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