simulation Help

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1 comment, last by adelx 17 years, 8 months ago
Dear game developers, I always wanted to build a simulation program that simulate multiple objects interacting with each others such as soccer, football plays, soldiers at war, or anything else. I am not interested in doing 3D or even 2D object. I just want to set same properties of the objects such as speed, reaction, power, and then start the simulation and get the result. for example, for soccer simulation, I want 11 players play with 11 player. each player has his own properties such as speed, techniques, shooting power, header and so on. I want the ability to start the game and get the result at the end, I am not interested in modeling the game in 3D. in other words, this is not a game, it is just pure simulation. although I have been programming for a while, I have no idea how to start this project. it is not a work project or a school project, it is something I want to do for fun. any idea how to start? thanks in advance
Simulation 101:

You have a bunch of "Actors" in a model. You give them initial state information.

Then you start up the simulation. Each "timeslice", you find out what each "Actor" "wants" to do.

You then model what does happen, and you change the state of the "Actors".

Possibly you have a "physics" timeslice that is faster than the "Actor decision making" timeslice, or maybe not.

A cheap, crappy version wouldn't be all that hard. Just pare down as much of the detail as you can, have idiot players, and implement a cheap "top down" view of the game for debugging purposes.
NotAYakk, thank you very much.

is there a website I can check that explain what you said and show some code snaps, the code can be in any language although I would prefer Java or C++.

thanks in advance

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