How would... double encryption fare?

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32 comments, last by Aternus 17 years, 9 months ago
Yeah the Blizzard team really showed with World of Warcraft that they had learnt from their experiences with Diablo and Diablo 2 and that obscurity doesn't help when you have millions of young people with a ton of time on their hands trying to break your game.

Although there has been some exploits in World of Warcraft I would say modelling your own architecture after theirs isn't a bad idea. They probably spent a lot more money on researching a good solution than you will be able to with your project.

The issues I have heard of have been logic errors and synchronization issues. These are issues which are generally always exposed eventually and very hard to avoid completely.

If you have the time I would also look into their protection mechanism against injection bots and similar tools. Look for articles on Warden. There should be plenty available as it has managed to get quite a reputation in the game reverse engineering community.
Quote:Original post by superpig
The best solution would be to design your game such that it doesn't contain that kind of mindless, repetitive action. That way nobody will want to macro.

Here, here! No one makes macros for Guild Wars, why? Becuase there's nothing in that game that's mindlessly repetitive. Ditto for the Diablos.

Follow their footsteps, not those of Tibia or Runescape.
Why don't you just design the game so macros are useless? Either that, or design it in such a way that, even if possible, macros don't sidestep the whole point of your game. If you choose the latter solution, you can even code the macros into the game; after all, if it doesn't affect gameplay, why not?

Whoops, only read half the thread. Looks like superpig beat me to the punch :/

[Edited by - bytecoder on August 13, 2006 5:59:29 PM]
Just to chime in here: the book Policing Online Games ( is an awesome little treatise. Well worth the purchase.
Why don't you just design the game so macros are useless?

That's like saying why doesn't the FPS game designers design their games so that aim bots are useless? Why doesn't RTS game designers design their games so that map revealers are useless? A pretty arrogant statement in my opinion.

The reality is when aided by a computer you get a lot of benefits. Some people feel that these benefits aren't fair, I tend to agree. Now the MMORPG genre might be on the extreme side of repetitiveness but players aided by computers will always have an edge. Except maybe at GO.
Quote:Original post by Ezbez
Ditto for the Diablos.

I had several accounts deleted for botting D2.

Conner, you should be ashamed of yourself! But I have to wonder what you were doing with those bots. Where you just brute-forcing repeatedely through slightly lower-level than you areas? That sounds like a rather tough macro to write (basically as difficult as writing AI) In which case, I don't see how they could notice that.
Quote:Original post by Ezbez
Conner, you should be ashamed of yourself! But I have to wonder what you were doing with those bots. Where you just brute-forcing repeatedely through slightly lower-level than you areas? That sounds like a rather tough macro to write (basically as difficult as writing AI) In which case, I don't see how they could notice that.

As I recall, you could farm any boss in the game, save possibly Diablo. Dig around, it was an extremely active community. The strategies weren't particularly advanced, but they were successful.

Quote:Original post by asp_
Why don't you just design the game so macros are useless?

That's like saying why doesn't the FPS game designers design their games so that aim bots are useless?

They could. The subject of FPS's is a bit more difficult, though, because removing the need for aimbots (basically building one into the game) takes away the raw reflex/aim part of it, which may or may not be a good thing. In general, the more strategic a game is, the less likely a macro system will be useful.
Quote:Original post by ToohrVyk
Quote:Original post by ScottC
Ah... I have a bit of experience with hacking games.

Oh, really ?

Is that a problem?

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