possible alternative to quaternions?

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57 comments, last by Daerax 17 years, 8 months ago
I've been reading about quaternions as used in game programming, and was wondering how the following type of 3D hypercomplex number might work out for representing rotations: The numbers are of the form A + By + Cz There is a real-number axis, and two imaginary ones whose units are y and z. The multiplication rules are y^2 = z z^2 = -y yz or zy = -1 Multiplying by the unit y rotates any number in one direction, touching both sides of every axis, and similarly the unit -z (note the minus) rotates in the other direction. Would it be any use in games programming in 3D? [Edited by - rrrr on August 19, 2006 11:58:37 AM]

z^2 = -y <=> z^3 = -yz <=> z^3 = 1 <=> z = 1 <=> y = -1

Therefore "A + By + Cz" simply diminishes to "A - B + C" and there's nothing complex about them.

Coming up with a quantity that can be used to represent 3d rotations is not a trivial task.
z3 = 1 does not imply z = 1.
Yes, I was going to say that. y and z are irreducible imaginaries, like sqrt(-1).
Oops, of course not. I replied in a rush and forgot the other 2 roots.
Yes, it could also be -(-1)^(1/3) and (-1)^(2/3)

I just wanted to point out that numbers with that properties are not imaginary units.

Well, we would differ on that. Assuming I am right, I would be very interested to have game developers try out these numbers and see if perhaps they might be a contender for expressing rotations.

Anyone want to give it a "whirl"?
So what number would you use to represent a 90 degree rotation about the x-axis? The y-axis? The z-axis?
My algebra knowledge is not that solid, but doesn't this solution (z = 1, y = -1) mean it's isomorphic to (and thus no more interesting to represent rotations in than) the real numbers?
___________________________Buggrit, millennium hand and shrimp!
Quote:Original post by SiCrane
So what number would you use to represent a 90 degree rotation about the x-axis? The y-axis? The z-axis?
Actually that's the sort of question I was hoping others more proficient in math than I am might want to tackle.

However, I'll see what I come up with. Am a bit busy at the moment though. Anyone else is welcome to try.

EDIT: Turns out to be very easy. Will post when I have time.

[Edited by - rrrr on August 19, 2006 5:56:25 PM]
I'm willing to give it a try,

i just got my quaternion camera set up, so no biggie to try it out. If i could just get my head straight on how to implement it.

EDIT: will this be able to rotate over all 3 axes?


[Edited by - Limitz on August 19, 2006 8:28:00 PM]

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