paint prog - resized window to act like full screen

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0 comments, last by renman29 17 years, 8 months ago
I'm trying to write some code so that I can paint into a resized window with something like an airbrush in such a way that it will act exactly as though it were painting into the full screen version of the backbuffer. In other words, I don't want to resize the backbuffer at all. I need to extract the previous (full screen) pixel colors under a given area (like inside the airbrush circle for example), but I need to be able to do this as though it were in full screen mode. Then I need to apply the effect to those pixels and resubmit as thought I were in full screen mode. I thought perhaps the backbuffer remains in tact when I resize, maybe just some kind of mouse coordinate or pixel coordinate conversions?? Has anyone ever done this? Any ideas?
Just an update. I added this function:

//--------------------------------------------------------------// C O N V E R T  T O  F U L L  S C R E E N  C O O R D I N A T E//--------------------------------------------------------------void ConvertToFullScreenCoordinate(LONG &x, LONG &y) {LONG width,height;float w,h;RECT rect;	GetWindowRect(g_hwnd, &rect);		width=rect.right-rect.left;;	w=(float)g_width/(float)width;	h=(float)g_height/(float)height;	x=(LONG)(w*(float)x); y=(LONG)(h*(float)y);}

It seems to work ok for a single pixel so far...
I'm still not so sure if this is the best way to handle this. Any ideas or feedback are more than welcome.

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