64x FSAA! Only $20,000!

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17 comments, last by zedzeek 17 years, 8 months ago
Ever wanted to play Quake with 64x FSAA, on a wall-projected HD cinema screen? Just buy a $20,000 graphics card from nVIDIA, and you can realize this dream! /me shakes head and imagines five years from now when that performance will come in a PC for $300. And, yes, it's a "graphics card" that comes in a totally separate enclosure, hooking up to your computer using a "plex link" cable and a PCI 16x slot. (These kinds of things were of course done by SGI for a long time -- I just find this nVIDIA release to be a defining moment of the "new world" of graphics)
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Damn there's a maximum of 2 per host? I was going to buy a dozen and build a $1500 system to plug them into, but I guess that's out of the question...

I can only imagine what the shipping insurance would be as well!

And just how fast is a 2M "plex link" cable? Wouldn't it be ironic to have such a powerful piece of hardware be limited by some dinky cable?
Aww man, they require 2 gb of RAM! How am I supposed to be able to afford that?!?
Quote:Original post by Ezbez
Aww man, they require 2 gb of RAM! How am I supposed to be able to afford that?!?

No, they HAVE 2G of VRAM.
That's just sick.
And since there's a DVI output for each card, you'll need an $8000 monitor to use it, too.
And, of course, you might as well get a PCE to complete the package.

Well, that is true, but they *also* require the PC runing them to have 2 gb (prefferably 4 gb). Just click on System Requirements.
Quote:Original post by Ezbez
Well, that is true, but they *also* require the PC runing them to have 2 gb (prefferably 4 gb). Just click on System Requirements.

Doh, sorry!
Quote:Original post by Ezbez
Aww man, they require 2 gb of RAM! How am I supposed to be able to afford that?!?

if you can afford 200.000$+ for the linux version of discreet flame those 20k for a graphics card
actually sound pretty cheap :)

your average flame workstation actually ships on a dual dual-core with 16gb of ram
If it's just for anti-aliasing, why not just plug the computer to a good old videoprojector ? The image will be naturally blurred... herrm antialiased I mean :)
The internet is terribly for sarcasm...
Seriously what's the point of this crap? Who cares about 64x Anti aliasing...?

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