my c++ d c# benchmark!

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70 comments, last by Raghar 17 years, 7 months ago
Quote:Original post by Promit
Sure (with the exception of support for vectorized instruction sets, which Java and C# lack).

You could add them yourself. Source code of Java JIT is accessible, and if you don't screw it too much, you could add that little support for SIMD instructions.

BTW SIMD means Single Instruction Multiple Data. And I somehow doubt they would add support for multiple instructions.
Quote:Original post by Promit
Sure (with the exception of support for vectorized instruction sets, which Java and C# lack).

You could add them yourself. Source code of Java JIT is accessible, and if you don't screw it too much, you could add that little support for SIMD instructions.
The problem you'd know if you'd use ASM is SIMD registers are not that great win. First at all, they are small 128 bits is VERY small if you need to work with 64 bit numbers.
Suport for possibility to make all operations on 128 bit regiseters in one clock cycle was added by introducing Core2Duo. Previous CPUs splited some operations/all? into two 64 bit operations.

BTW SIMD means Single Instruction Multiple Data. And I somehow doubt they would add support for Multiple Instructions...

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