Best scripting language for video games.

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7 comments, last by John Schultz 17 years, 7 months ago
I know it mostly comes down to a matter of opinion, but, I really cannot make up my mind on this one. I wanted to give angle script a try, and I've already used Lua before, but I want to know what your guy's opinions were. I need to know what you think the best scripting language for a generalized game engine programmed in C++ would be. Like each scripting languages strengths, and weaknesses are, ease of programming, in both the scripting language and C++, etc.
I love me some C# - probably due to it's C++/Java-like syntax.

You can use either Mono or the .NET framework, as you desire. Reality Engine and Unity3D use it, so it seems to be working out for some folks.
I've recently used Python. I can't compare it to anything else, because it's the only scripting language I've embedded so far. However, I can tell you that it is a pain in the butt to embedd it, even using nice libraries like Boost.Python. As much as I don't like the embedding process, I really like Python as a language.
Yeah, for some reason I have a book on python, but I cant say that I enjoy the language at all.
The best scripting language is the one that you like, and best fits your needs. Everything is relative in game programming, and this is no exception. Just find the one you like, learn it, and if it fits your needs, that is your best scripting language.
I guess what I failed to mention is I'm more looking for a compression of the scripting languages available today, like in terms of speed, and stuff. I would gladly switch to python if it were intact the better of the 3 I'm looking at (Lua, Python, Angle Script).
FYI, it's Angel Script. And you may want to take a look at GameMonkey. Gamedev has some nice articles about them, too. Part 1. Part 2.
Quote:Original post by Ezbez
FYI, it's Angel Script.

oops </embarrassed> That looks really interesting, do you reconmend it over angel script? :)
For large/complete, fast and powerful, C# is hard to beat.
For something small and easy to embed/bind, with Cpp/js-like syntax, see Squirrel with SqPlus.

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