rate my first project(tetris)

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5 comments, last by ahayweh 17 years, 6 months ago
hey, at least it isn't pong :D i've been messing around with SDL for a little while now, and i figured that i should probably try actually making a game. i read on one of the articles here that tetris was a good start, so i went for that. i used SDL and C++ (strings, etc ftw) here's the link: http://pp.programming-designs.com/fgsfds/fette-ris.zip here's a screenshot of it: i included the source too if anybody cares too look at that. this is my first project, so don't expect all of it to make sense, heheh.
oh i just realized, controls might be handy to know ._.;

Z and X to rotate, A to pause. left and right to...left and right... and down moves the piece down fast.

it's got issues at level 13 or 14, it just gets ugly and unplayable :/ i've got to fix that...
It is def a good start! I noticed that the part that should say "enter" at the lvl selection screen was clipped off, I could only see the E and the N, not sure if this is just my PC, but wanted to let ya know!
AlterAudio Team Lead - Project Wishhttp://www.projectwish.com
Nice work. I should try pulling my own tetris out too. Oh btw, I'm used to having UP arrow as rotate. But I changed it in the source.

Nice going btw. keep it up
This is great! I got to level 12, pretty hard! This was a good game, the only little thing that breaked the game was the text... I couldn't see the first text!


Gabry Hyrule
I'm 15, and I know C++, OpenGL and a little Windows programming.
Wow it looks really nice, that's excellent for a first project :)
Most execellent for a first effort,

Hard to really say anything negative about it. Gameplay for solid, graphics are sufficent, and game seems to be quite solid. I did, however, notice a bug when trying to rotate the cube while on the right-most wall. Sometimes, the game wouldn't rotate in that column despite repeatedly pressing the rotate button. After moving to the adjacent cell, then moving back, it would work. A little buggy in that regard, but otherwise very impressive. Keep up the awesome work!!!

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