I need your game ideas.

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10 comments, last by BSG 17 years, 6 months ago
Hi, Me and a team of people at work are comeing up with game ideas for our project which is as follows. We are trying to come up with a to scale digital replica for promotions of our night club. We already are taking necessary steps to have this done but we dont know anything for our visitors to do besides just walk around. We already are putting in NPC's all over the place for interaction but we have no goals, no objectives, no way to win or lose to keep people interested. Its a big big big club and there are alot of possibilities. PLease give me your ideas on what to do. I need something fun but professional. -Nate p.s. A FPS isnt a good idea here for you blood crazed maniacs out there.
drinking games at the bar, card games at the tables, a DDR (Dance Dance Revolution )game with all the players on the dancefloor competing against each other :D options to "pay" the DJ to play a song, pay for club-wide announcements

oooh.. there is a dance game here that anybody can go to anybody on the dance floor and play RPS (rock paper scissor) the loser follows the winner while dancing. continue until every body is dancing behind 1 leader and dance around in a choo choo train like fashion.

---------------Magic is real, unless declared integer.- the collected sayings of Wiz Zumwalt
Good post...Im thinking that the ddr would would work well. Im not sure about the choo choo train thing...not many people do that in our club:). We are trying to get people to familiarize themselves with our club...anyone have an Idea for that?
an adventure game (like monkey island) where they end up exploring the entire club?
scavenger hunt events? If your club is as big, as you say, you could hide things and give people a list of things to find, like "I SPY" and it would give them time to look around while having fun.
Maybe there isn't really a "point" to the game, but just a ton of different achievements that you can try to... well... achieve :P.

Kinda like the Animal Crossing. There isn't really a POINT to the game. You just do whatever you feel like.
God is not all-powerful, as he cannot build a wall he cannot jump.Stelimar Website: eddy999999.ed.funpic.org/Stelimar/index.html
Okay so if I read this correctly you are making a game (I am assuming web based) to promote a club? What kind of club is it? What kind of people go there?
The club is actually really really big. It has 11 different bars with the capacity of over 10,000 people. We have 7 different rooms with dance floors and 7 various selections of music such as Country, Salsa, Hip-Hop,70's & 80's exe... If any of you have ever been to South Padre Island it is the equivilant of Club Chaos. This will be a full downloadable program with the focus on the game being an exact replica down to the little scratches on the DJ booth's door.
Superclubs attract everyone. Just put a match 3 game on your website and you are golden...
A few ideas:

1: Role Play

The player chooses a character and enters the club to play his/her role as a dancer, a date for someone, a DJ, a gangster/trouble maker etc. Go in to have a good time, or go in to kill someone or go in to win a dancing contest as mentioned. You are set a task that you must complete, and the NPC's try to stop you.

2: Free will
The player does anything you can find possible to do, you can go in the club and do anything, dance, play cards, get drunk, punch someone, use the toilet, cheat at poker/snooker, kiss the floor, set fire to things, swap clothes with someone, have a race, a drinking match, pie eating match or drop a sleep on the roof. The list goes on... The more bad or good you do in the quickest time, the more score you get.

3: Running the club
I'm not sure if this is what you would want, but you could let the players work as staff carrying out duties serving people, beating up trouble makers and calling the cops, sweeping and cleaning or DJing or management. The more good work you do the more score you get until you get promoted to manager or something.

4: Surreal Exploration

I'm not sure if you would want to try something wierd. Like disturbing the mind with a surreal club environment. Send them through a hunt around a never ending bizarre club. You go through a door and you end up in a room full of dancing cats and dogs, you go to the bar and you get served and the bar maid zaps you with a teleportation gun and you teleport upside down on a dancefloor ceiling, you walk up a stair case and you end up walking up a through a giant toilet seat, and everyone is ten times bigger than you, so you run and get eaten by a rat, you walk around in the rats body and get spat out and suddenly you are at the start of the entrance of the club again. Find Mrs. Smith's hand bag to win the game.

LOL , maybe you want to stick to the other ideas, i need to shut up now.

[Edited by - DrSizzla on October 28, 2006 7:54:39 PM]
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