What is backprojection mathematically?

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1 comment, last by Icebraker 17 years, 6 months ago
Hello everybody, I have found several papers on the net using backprojection to display softshadows (e.g. A fast Shadow Algorithm for Area Light Sources Using Backprojection by George Drettakis...). However, I don't understand what exactly is computed. I know that it is used to determine how much of the Lightsource is covered by the current shadowmap-sample, but I would really like to know what is going on mathematically to understand the concept. Has anybody yet worked with backprojection and could explain the mathematical functionality to me? Thanks a lot, Icebraker
oh I think this is drawing only backward oriented objects into the shadow map. You change this with the cull state.
So instead of backface culling they do frontface culling
Thanks for your reply,

however, I don'T know how to implement the backprojection. I don't think that only changing backface-culling to frontface-culling will work because this does not give me the amount of the lightsource that is visible. Or did I misunderstand the concept? Could anybody please post some code/Foraulas which describe how backprojection is implemented?

Thx a lot


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